Monday, June 20, 2011

Carry Bradshaw's spices.

So there I was, standing in a NYC university library with my roommate. We started walking the halls and using our hands to lightly scrape the white walls we passed. We opened the clear doors and walked through another room of books and then finally left the building to get to the street.

Once there we started walking around we were suddenly dressed to the nines. Nice shoes, glamorous clothes..We open this gray door. It looked like a janitor's closet door, and the room followed suit. There was a table there in the middle of the small space. Once I sat down I saw that Cary Bradshaw was sitting across from me, about to eat this huge meal with her friends. The thing was, this meal seemed all planned. When I burst though that door I never once thought that it was odd, or weird. Instead it seemed exciting! A dinner with friends!

"Are those my spices?" Carry asked. She was pointing to me. Under my silver purse I had a bag of cheese-yellow spices. They were finally ground and sand like. I looked at my silver bag, then the spices.
"I did not take them! I was talking to you remember?"
"Yea, when you took the spices right out from under me! You probably took them when I turned my head!" I tried to explain myself, but couldn't. This was about the time I woke up.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Lisa Simpson, and Jennifer Aniston.

It has been a long time since I last posted. I know. The main reason why is that I lately wake up with only fragments of dreams. Bits and pieces of what could have been one unusual story. But not last night. Last night I dreamt something that I still don't quite understand.

I was in this yellow room. Lisa Simpson was on a bed that sat by the stairs leading down. Her mother, Marge, was standing by and listing to what Lisa had to say. 

"I know I am too young," she started tearfully, brushing the cascading snot from under her nose, "But it was the most magical moment of my life. Having sex with him felt so right, so great! I know you hate me now mom, but I could not stop myself from doing it!" Now, I don't who she had done The Deed with, or why, or even what age she was. She looked 8, but that was because she was partly hunched over. I could not see any chest-like evidence to her womanhood. what's even more odd is that usually images of Lisa OR Bart doing sexual things gross me out. Because I watched them from a young age I feel their sex life is like my brothers. Something I don't ever want to know about! Yet I watched normally. 

Marge had no comment.

Suddenly, like all dreams, the scene changed. I was resting on a long chair beside a small pool by a huge-old style hotel. My aunt was sitting next to me. "So, did you know that Jennifer Anitson is related to us?" she said to me. 
"Your Kidding really?" I asked.
"Yes. But only distantly."
"Does this mean that Grandma is her Aunt?"
"Yes, it does. I saw in People Magazine that she was reading about our family history. I know she does it!" This is where things got really jumbled. I was suppose to see my friends, but they about to leave with my aunt to talk about something, and then go to some fair. The one clear image I have after celebrity mention was me, trying to get into my yellow carpeted room while talking to my old therapist. I am unsure what she was saying, but it sounded stern and directed at someone else. About here is when I woke up.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I just jolted awake from a dream and I'd better get down what I can now.

Someone was trying to steal or take something of mine, something me and someone else had to construct. I cannot remember what it was, or what it did. I simply knew that someone wanted to steal and we didn't want that.

The next part of my dream went like this. I was shopping while on the phone with my brother. He was visiting Mother alone.

"Can I be frank here?" he stated, "Mom has not taken pills today, but I know from the looks of her that she's doing well. She won't make it. Not now." And then I woke up.

Thats all folks.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can't remember

Like the title says I can't remember much about my latest dreams. I usually wake with a jolt, or some flash of an image, but as soon as I try to put together the nonsense it went with the images goes away and all I am left with is a feeling, or a color. Todays's color: Pink.  

When I get one I can recall, y'all be the first to know.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Old Fashioned V8

I could not sleep. I kept waking up. Finally, after many trips the bathroom and turns before toss, I slept. This is what my mind cooked up for me:

I was in colonial times, standing in some bar. As far as I could sense, some wedding was about to happen. Everyone was chattering about it. I sat on the couch near the door. A man with a long mustache came up to me.

"Try this," he said, "It's got all the fruits and veggies a body ever needs!" He went to the bar, which, oddly enough, looked more like a opening to a kitchen most diner waitresses see. The actual bar was really high up, and you could pear into the back kitchen.

I looked at the drink given to me. Since the place was not as well lit as a the kitchen, it was hard to see the color of the drink. It looked mostly black with hunks and chunks of fruits and veggies. Like veggie chilly.

Even though I knew I would HATE the stuff, I drank it anyway. It tasted horrible, like crushed pennies and bad blood. Really bad blood. It was about then I realized that I had traveled back in time. I, whoever my name was for this dream, was from our current time! As soon as I downed the horrid drink, I KNEW that V8 had gotten better. I knew that there was hope yet for this drink.

"Hay," I exclaimed, "In the future, this will taste better. TRUST ME on this one." A fat woman standing next to me started to looked worried.

"Don't blow your cover," she said, "They mustn't know who you are!" Suddenly, the whole group of people gathered near the back the room by a  set of stairs. The stairs divided a small hallway that lead into another room  with a fireplace in it. All the people stood around, or sat on, the stairs that ran up into a set of bedrooms. Their direction was towards the bar  I was in.

A man with a black stash and beard was standing by an old black stove. He was cooking something we could not see.

"I have a wife in (cannot remember name) town. I could go there," he said.

"We can split up the children for safety," a woman said. She was standing near the top of the stairs under a light.

"I have my wife, so I can go to her," the man mentioned again. As I stood and watched theses people plot their way to safety, I KNEW I had tell him who I was. All I could think of was shouting, "I am LIZZY from the future! Your Lizzy!" Thats when a the cooking man brought his cast iron pan pan over. Suddenly, a little boy noticed something.

"Hey, the Batman Symbol! Wait, who or what is a Bat Man?" he asked, confused. I had to tell them, and I had to tell them now.

"It's me, LIZZY, but from the future!" I said. A mirror popped up, showing me standing by a white house in brown colonial clothes and my hair tied back sans a few tendrils in the front.  This is when I woke up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Steve Marvin

I was standing on a covered deck wearing a bathing suit. I had my laptop bag and iPod Touch with me. My oldest friend stood next to me in a bikini.

We were near the Adirondack chairs that rested by the bar. Now the bar, and the whole place, was made with that same composite wood. You could see the narrow but thick planks everywhere. Next to the bar was a doorway that lead to the pool area. Inside were more chairs in a skinny U shape opposite the small pool.  Light from the sky shone between the roof cracks, with a huge spread of some over the water.

I laid out on a chair to relax. Suddenly, the friend who was standing next to me was calling me on my cell instead.
"Steve Marvin died!"
"Who?" I asked.
"Steve! We used to hang out wit him ALL the time. I don't understand why you're not as sad. I am SO mad you're not showing sadness!" Then, what was a another doorway to the right of me became a whole new world. The grass was green and plush but marbled with patches of dust. The sky was bright baby-blue and littered with clouds. Judging by this, it must have been near twilight. The moon looked metal; little lights all around it with some sort of rings. The Rings were thin, flat, wide, and a grayish-blue color.

I set down my laptop bag, standing in some small tribal place. No huts, just some wood encircling a small fire. When I picked it up again, I heard a strange noise. Some creature, one that I can't even remember the visage of, didn't want me to take my bag with me. I stepped back some, going into the thatched deck of before.

Charlie Sheen was next to me, looking out at the alien world.

"Why is it doing that!" He asked me.
"Because," I started, "Once I plopped my bags down they assumed I was giving it to them. So when I picked it up, it was like I was stealing something of theirs. When I tried to take it last time some green hands came out and I could FEEL them on my legs!" Suddenly, as I described the green leg grabbers I could see it happening in front of my face like a movie. Oddly enough, thats when I woke up.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I never thought of joining the cheerleading team in high school. In fact, that was the last thing I ever thought of. It did not matter that my boarding school forced us to choose a sport each year. I was never going to be one of those Perky Pam's who smile despite the fact that our team may be loosing.

So you can imagine my surprise and utter shock when I dreamt I tried out for the squad a few nights ago.

I was standing in the middle of  Maplebrook High's gym. All the current cheerleaders were standing to the right of me, watching. For some reason, I could not think of any cheers to do. I tried to recall the ones heard in the Bring It On movie and got nothing, tried to remember the school's simple but catchy calls and got nada.

I had to do something, so in a panic I moved my arms. I shot them up first, slapped them to my sides, and then...for a reason I can't seem to understand, I stared to flail them. They moved about in so many ways that I looked like a cartoon tree with dancing limbs. When I finally stopped I knew I messed up.

But, as I stood there defeated, one of the popular girls came over.
"You need to try this!" she said, lifting her skirt. It was then that I woke up, the image of her underside embossed on my brain. For the sake of sanity I'll leave out the exact details of what I saw, but I will add that it was not pretty. Hopefully I'll have better dreams tonight.  Hopefully.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old house.

So there I was: standing in an old house. I remember walking all around and looking at the rooms. The style of it was old fashioned, wood made and classic. As I recall, many people were also there for some sort of costume party. I was dressed in a navy jump suit with some sort of Badge on.

I don't know why, but I think the costume I wore was supposed to be part of Beatles lore. After walking around the whole place in costume I ran into my high school english teacher who LOVED the Beatles. So naturally, I took out my pictures of me in the costume. Not sure what I was wearing then, but not the costume....I think. My teacher looked at them, and right away knew what who I was supposed to be.

Around then I woke up.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reba and Rice Crispies.

I was lying in bed wondering why I was not dreaming. Or sleeping for that matter. I had gotten what I wanted yesterday and things were great. But why was I not tired?

Well, when I finally did sleep, this is what my dreamy mind came up with: I was in a house. It was Reba's house from the show Reba. Only, it was not set in Houston. Instead, the house was set in some grassy open field. It was nice. The stares were out. I saw Reba there wearing all black, and SHE was pregnant!

"OW..." she screamed. It seems she was having practice contractions. To settle herself she lay on the couch, belly up. There was a baby there, lying on top asleep. I wondered who it was, but somehow came to the conclusion it must be her baby.

Then, suddenly, I was in the same place but eating Rice Crispies. They were green and the little crisp parts were heart shaped. I remember after eating them that I used the bathroom. And it took forever. Oddly enough, the bathroom was in the MIDDLE of the living room and the shower was right next to me. I kept going and going, sometimes using the shower certain to help clean the soupy mess. But, seeing how terrible the mess was, I wished that time would turn back. I wished that I never did dirty the shower. It worked! The white certain got clean!
    I was now standing in the middle of the room. There were a row of tables around. Looking, I saw Lane and Rory from Gilmore Girls come in and take seats. If memory serves, Lane was pregnant too! She kept complaining.

I don't know why, but I walked outside. I looked at the bright stares above and ended my dream with a wish to be in them.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mother, Job, and College.

Today I have an intern interview. So naturally, my mind decided to dream about it. But because I went to bed without getting a confirmation of whether I should go in, or do it over the phone the first thing my mind dreamt up was that I went there:

I walked in and saw nice white walls. The room was small, about the same size of my room. As I recall, there was a nice carpet and really nice wooden tables all around. A computer sat to the left of me. As I talked with the interviewer I got the idea that this would be more then just an internship. Out of pure nowhere, I was being offered a job. Then, she walked me all around the place.

I saw that in the right-hand corner of the room was a hall. We walked down it and saw many paintings. The walls became a creamy red color. I saw objects being thrown from the open doors on either side of us.

"As you can see," the interviewer said, "we are connected to the college." He didn't say which college, just that we were connected to one. As we moved into the great hall, I realized that all the pictures were moving. I saw a huge one on the great hall wall of a two frogs with another of a dog on wall next to it.

"I really hope the Dachshund fights the frogs!" I thought to myself.  I could see the dog move from his frame to the frogs frame.  Well, as you can guess, there was a sudden scene change. We were back in the office down the hall.

While there, I was being told that my work was SO good that it more then likely that I'd get a paid job from them. I remember standing by my closet when the interviewer said that. I don't know why, but suddenly I started to think about my mother. I don't know if my mind was replaying bad times, or if I just plain remembered them, but I quickly knew she was not doing well.

Then, my dead grandmother came in and announced that mother had been evicted from her building. I grew sad, wondering what I'd do. My aunt and Dad came up to me like they had been there the whole time, but I KNEW they were not. I looked down and saw that I had no pants.

"Please," my aunt stressed, "don't let me take care of my sister. I don't think I can take it!" I went to her.
"You don't have to! You don't have to do anything you don't want to!" I screamed. My aunt the back of her hand on her forehead to show how stressed this would make her.

Flash! We are all on a train. It's going fast. The sun is setting. I stuck my head out the window to look. I saw that all the leaves and brush were brown, dead. They whipped by us fast. Suddenly, we were on top of the train. Then, just as suddenly, I got word that my mother died. Only...I didn't cry right away. I had to think about it first. I started to weep slowly, letting idea of her death sink in. My aunt and Dad did the same, crying only slightly. We moved from the top of the train to some sort of downward tunnel. Amazingly, it lead to my room/ office. About then I woke up,again.

Thats the oddest thing about this dream. I woke up several times through the whole ordeal and no matter how long I stayed up, I always went back to the same spot I was before, like it was a paused movie. Odd right?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Simpsons

Sorry I have not posted. It would be easy to say that it was because of my lack of dreams, but thats not entirely true. Along with the little dreaming my mind has been doing, I also have been dealing with family issues. I'd tell you what they are, but then I'd be writing 27 years of baggage and I don't think anyone (unless paid to do so) would be willing to hear all that.

So I'll skip on to the one dream I DO remember:

I had just read "Discloser" by the late-great Michael Critchton so it's only fitting that I would dream of a trial.

I was walking out of the town hall/courthouse of The Simpsons. As I recall, someone tried to tell me my case was in jeopardy. I can't recall what I had done, or what exactly my case was. All I knew, standing on the steps beside crowds of people, was that my case was lacking something. I think, to the left of my I saw Mr. Burns. Suddenly, like always, the scene changed.

I was standing on some snowy grass beside a road at night. The Simpsons where standing in front, moving around. I am not sure if they were bouncing, or dancing. They just moved. My lawyer pointed to them and said "Oh Yes, that will help your case." Then, as I watched them bobble about, a brightly-rainbow colored bridge just sprung up over us. It was so odd. The bridge started forming from the left to the right, rainbow colors moving over it. The Simpsons where still moving about.

Now that I think about it, I could only see their backs. Lisa's starfish head seems the most prominent and clear to me, her neck stretching up and down.  Bart's head was wafting left to right, bending really far in each direction. It was about then I woke up.

Thats all for now folks.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sorry I have not posted. I have had little to write about. This dream makes up for it.

Today my roommate went out to meet someone. While she was gone I took a nap on the couch. This is what my mind cooked up:

I was on the love seat I was sleeping on. I sat up just in time to see my roommate come running in.

"I can't get to Syracuse! He won't come here so I have to go to him, and there is NO train to Syracuse! He claimed he had a work thing!" She stood in front of the TV as she talked. I listened. Then, I realized I was dreaming.

So I woke up. Only, I hadn't really.  I was still in the dream. Suddenly, my roommate came running in the apartment a second time. She was screaming like before, just not about Syracuse.

"I'm UGLY! He didn't even stay long enough to chat!" She ran to my room, which was on the left of the TV. Thing was, my room had more shelves then it usually does, showing me that it was HER room and not mine.
 Like before I sat up and listened to her. When she sat down I noticed that not only had our love seat grown to a full-size three seater couch (complete with extra pillows!) but my roommate suddenly changed into a friend of mine. When I saw her my mind told me she was spending the night.
"So I guess it didn't work with the swim instructor. But I'll still take everyone's advice and date a athletic guy." As she said that, I suddenly recalled people writer her that on Facebook.  I actually completed a inside thought inside my dream.

"Am I dreaming, or awake?" I asked. "Awake!" The person who said this was my roommate, and not my friend. The friend was now my roommate again.  To wake myself up I got up and started to run in place before doing The Running Man dance from the eighties. I think I was quite good at it.

Like all dreams, I had a sudden scene change. I was watching my roommate drive a white Toyota (which is surprising. She's lived in our city her whole life has not ever needed to learn) up some street past a really nice building. It looked like the White House. It was fall. Leaves all around me. I saw this street across from me. At the end of it was a really nice sunset. Before I could do anything, I was there, at the end. As I walked back I noticed there was a monkey near at the end behind the bush. At least, I think it was. It made a sound and the person who stood near it told me what it said, though I cannot remember. As I walked back up the street I passed an elephant behind a bush to the left of me. The person went to the elephant and said "Oh yea, his sound off confirms he's..." I can't remember what else, but I know there was more. I think it had to do with someone being upset, someone who was not present, yet could see what was going on.

I woke up after that. I still feel like I'm dreaming, but I know I'm not, least...I think I'm not.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I dreamt that I was pretending to be pregnant. This quite funny since I DO want kids someday have had dreams of being pregnant.

But not last night. Last night I was stuffing some yellow squishy pillow under my close. As I recall, throughout the dream I kept wondering when I would fake the labor pains. "Maybe during the big ceremony!" I thought. Though, I cannot remember what would happen during that ceremony.

Then, I saw on some TV a soap where a woman in a fancy red dress was trying to give birth. I wondered if thats what it would be like when I faked it. Then, again, I was at a New Years Party.

I was sitting next to a guy who was the "father" and drank what looked like mock-tail, but where really mixed drinks. For some reason, I was given a list of what I had drank that night. I remember trying to see if I could get the "father" worried about me. Whatever I did, nothing worked. So I went to sit on some circle of chairs, holding my cocktail list and another sheet that had my secret on it.
The, a third time, I was in a store buying things. Pillows, plush toys, and all the good things, including a Princess phone.  Suddenly, I am in some room with the "father" on the bed. He sleeping, I'm not. My brother takes both sheets (cocktail list and confession sheet) and read them, getting mad. He tapped the back of my head, and I had to explain to everyone (my mother, father, the "father") that I wanted to be pregnant so much that faked it. My mother was not mad, can't recall how everyone else felt. Woke up soon after.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This dream is a bit fussy, but still interesting. I was walking around Philly. Only center city was close to the beach. The sun beat down on me. Then, suddenly, I was in college again. Only, this college had more old buildings and loads of bright green grass. I went to one of the many food places grabbed what should have been chicken wings but turned out to be a big latkes.

After eating it I went back outside and someone said "Your mother is here to take you home." I went to find her, seeing many students along the way. I think one of them had bright yellow and orange hair. As I talked to them I also made dinner plans with my mother. It gets really confusing here because I can't remember if she offered to take someone else with us, or I took the bus. I woke up shortly after.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

School Dreams.

Most people who dream of High School have that cliche " I had a Math test and but no pants" or  "I had to give oral report in my underwear." But me, no. I don't have those types of dreams. My school dreams are much odder. The first of which spiraled into my mind only during my younger school years. 
It happened every summer without fail. I'd get home from school and the first thing my brain would cook up that night is some fear that I had to go back because of something I didn't finish. The odd thing was, my brain was smart enough to keep the dream current. It never showed just the school halls, but the current room I had that year. My mind made sure to be specific enough so that I would dream where I  had sat, where the room was, right down the ugly orange carpet that, when I think of it now, reminds me of cheddar cheese.

The second type of school dream usually involved me running in the hall in fear. I would ALWAYS be lost and I would ALWAYS be scared, and the halls would ALWAYS be lined with dimly lit lights and dark painted lockers. Sometimes I'd run to the music room, other times I'd just run, but I'd never get to where I was meant to be.

The third type of dream was usually like the second, only it was much less fearful. The halls would be well lit and the interior would be classically designed, or painted in fun colors.  I'd run, walk and just enjoy my surroundings. last night's dream was none of that. It was a whole new type school dream.
As usual, it started with something I had seen during the day. Before I went to bed, I fell half-asleep on the love seat by the TV. A commercial for Vonage Telephone Service was on.  Since that was the last thing I saw before finally hitting the hay, thats what I dreamt at first.

I was sitting on the love seat thinking about if I could afford the serive. My roommate came in and said,
 "We keep the phone over there!" and pointed to my black Princess phone. It hung awkwardly angled by my record player. It kinda looked like it was going to hump a bump in the wall that stuck out.
Then, I was standing in front of some machine in a mall. There is a long black line going across it, on some sort of roller that was IN the machine. Think of those slot machines and you get the kind of "roller" I mean.

Well, like always, I had a sudden change scenery. I was in High School, standing on the old gravel-made road. My mother was there talking about herself and her experiences with alcoholism. Funny thing was, she was wearing a long orange and gold trimmed tunic. I am not sure exactly why, but I got really mad at her. So I walked to my class and sat down next a good friend of mine I had went to school with.

The teacher was someone I remember, though I never had him in High School. In fact, I think he was fired shortly after I started freshmen year. Anyway...he was teaching (wearing the same tunic my mother had) and for some reason, I felt it was my duty to alert him of my mother. So I stood up and said,
"She is a faker. Do NOT believe her! AT ALL! She just rolls out these sad stories about herself knowing that she won't change. She makes it, so that when she fails, not only do YOU feel sad for her, but you feel like YOU FAILED HER!" I am not sure what I said after that, but it was not pretty. The teacher looked at me and then said,
 "Excuse me, I think I should go talk with her." My friend looked at me. "I think I feel violated, or something," he said,  "I just don't feel good anymore!" and then I woke up.  How odd, no?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Directors and IKEA

I dreamt last night that Steven Spielburg and I where laying on some grass watching the stars. I am not sure what happened before that, but I am sure something had.

"I like flying real high," I said sitting up, "because when you do, even in the day light, it looks like your close to space. You know what I mean? The sky looks shades darker in the center!" and he agreed. He then stared to kiss someone next to me who was also lying down, then me.

Alien Spaceships flew overhead. They look a little like the Tron ships with the long legs, only gray and slightly off. There was also some part that stuck out, I think, to the left of them.  As I recall, we started talking about them, but I cannot recall what.

I think I remember walking by this building and looking at the ships. They meant something, but not sure what.

I woke up, looked at the clock, went back to sleep. THIS DREAM: I was in an IKEA, only they sold clothes. I had to take a long train to get there, but was happy to do it.

I went right to the sales rack and found that they were getting in a new lines of clothes as I walked back, so my size was not there OR the helpers were taking it away from me. I remember not being happy about it and hating what I could try on. As I got dressed I heard the helpers making fun of how fat I looked. Feeling bad, I started to leave.

"Don't leave," they said, "We'll be nice. Can we do anything for you?" they both asked. "Yea," I said, "I need a job. Got any openings?" Suddenly, a woman with short blond hair came out. She looked a little familiar. She looked over my resume, and was vary happy I had it with me.
"Thats a smart thing, who taught you do to this?" Sh asked. I tried ti answer, but this other man did for me, saying it must have been from a class.
She then looked at the last column of my resume and said "Why is it blank?" I looked and realized that it said "No Mean Man of Error." I explained as much, and she excepted. Oh, did I mention that instead of listing classes I took, my resume listed the percentage of how well I did.  When the woman was looking at it, I was SURE she'd copy it down wrong. Well, she said she had all the into she needed.

"Keep the resume, I have several copies!" and she did, and I walked out. Only, when I did, I realized that I was wearing green flip flops instead of my regular shoes. I went back, tried to find the right ones. Once I did I held them up and laughed. Thats when I woke up.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I was in a movie. Only, the movie felt real to everyone else around me. So, my job was to help the other people do what THEY were supposed to. I seem to remember walking around with person who looked like Ann Hathaway. 

We were walking up this small street in my home town. As I recall, she was mad that I had to tell her everything. We got to some apartment and she seemed even MORE mad, like I had caused her to forget. 

Them, suddenly, I am shopping my friend. I saw this yellow tank top that had lace on top, and thin straps. There was a pink one as well. 

Then, I am eating in some house. The french fries were cold, but I like them. There were these little boys there. One wanted to terrorize their dad. But it was MY dad instead, and I was terrorizing him. I kept taking my plate and switching mine and his. Then, I don't know who I became, but I asked the boys why they wanted to scare and taunt their dad. 
"He wants to know where you are at all times because he loves you. Why do YOU want to know where he is? Is it because you love him too?
One kid stopped running around. He looked like Macaulay Culkin. 
"I like to know where he is so I plan my Assaults!" he screamed, holding up  a knife. I woke up then.  

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New York

I woke up early this morning knowing I had a dream. I could sense the images, but could not remember what they were. I looked at the clock. 6:45. I went back to sleep.

THIS dream I remember clearly. It was winter. My father and I drove up to my old upstate NY apartment so I could move back in. I was esthetic! Once I got inside, I saw my old high school English teacher.
"You should call Comcast of Philly and let them know you're canceling there services!" he advised. I got even happier because I knew that once I did that, I could get IO cable in NY which is MUCH cheaper.

Suddenly, I walk INTO the old apartment and see rat piss and droppings everywhere! But, it was only down this long hall that was attached to my place. When I walked into the actual place, it looked just like it always had. Hardwood floors, nice couch, and coffee table with a rising top.  Being inside got me happy again as I thought about moving in my record player and the like.

Suddenly, I am in a van with the same English teacher from before. Only, I am topless. I try to get dressed but turn my body so he can't see the "girls." Suddenly, again, I am walking with someone. Might have been my oldest brother, might have been someone else. All I know is that someone was getting married and my date would meet me at my upstate NY place. As soon as I got there, my oldest brother in the kitchen said "You can't meet that guy with all that rat crap everywhere! Go Clean it!"

OH, and boats were in there somewhere. Not sure how they fit in, but...somewhere.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sisters and dishes.

I was at my fathers place. He, and my stepmother, had a child. Instead of her being a baby, she was a tall, skinny, dark haired, and tan teenager. All throughout the dream she refused to do her chores, or homework.

I went into the bathroom to do some business when she came in and started complaining.
"Ya know, I used to wash his dishes!" I said, "Yep, when we first moved here I asked were the dish washer was. He said 'It's your two hands,' So I washed. I used to do a terrible job so he would have to do them. Oh, and he would walk by and criticize how I washed them. So, I would then to say 'If you have notes, do them yourself!' and thats when he'd usually shut up." Mind you, while all this was going on, I was "using" the bathroom. I finally cleaned up, and got out. I them remember getting a text from a friend, but it was in some funny font that I could not make out. I was standing by this table where my stepmother and father sat. My stepmother asked, "Are you going to see your friends tonight?" I thought about it, but realized that they recently moved too far away for a dinner thing. "They moved, I moved, and we still go to the same diner?" I thought. I was going to text them back, but I realized that not only do they not send txts, they also could not really do anything that let it go. And thats...that, I guess.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I dreamt that I was walking across a field. But the grass was made of red straws, or something. There was a lake to the right of me with a small concrete brick wall to block it. When I got inside the building I was walking to, I was suddenly someone else: My friend, Knux. Someone came up to me and said "You need a new laptop. Your Dell is OLD"

I remember walking to meet a college counselor. The stairs I walked up looked amazing. They went up high, reaching a peak. When I went back down, I noticed that everything I touched made music. Suddenly, I was making music that sounded like Privet I music. I loved it so much that I made sure to tap everything around me to hear it.

I know there is more to this dream, but I forget. Darn it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I went back to sleep and dreamt this:
Twin brothers were in a feud. They looked like Alex Delarge from A Clockwork Orange. The evil twin had done something terrible and had been trying to frame his brother for the crime. He took all sorts of pictures of him around their apartment to show that he was at home, and not out. One picture had him on top of a huge pile of stuffed animals in a closet near the empty bookshelves.
 I, seeing all this, was getting mad. So I tried to stop the evil twins actions, but nothing worked. Then I realized that the walls of the stuffed animal picture had been rainbow colored, and now they were white. So, I took the nice brother into the hall and asked "Would that really save his case in court?" As I talked though, I realized that the evil brother was listing behind the DOOR! So I ran to stop him and grabbed the phone he was using. Only, it was not just a phone. IT was his WHOLE forearm! I had PULLED it off! He screamed, and then I woke up. Usually it's the other way around, but not today.

Oh, and before that I dreamt of a fridge that could play music. It was neon colored and on the door you could choose the type of music you wanted to hear. I chose Doo wop, then Queen. It was nice.


Another day, another dream.
There is more to this dream then I remember. But what I do remember is interesting.

I was sitting on the edge of an indoor pool. I was wearing a red lace bra under a tank top and not much else. There was a floor to ceiling beam on my left that made my spot more like a special seat. An old high school friend swam by and asked "How do you feel being pregnant?"
"I'm not pregnant!" I said.
"Then why did you go to the nurse?"
"Because I felt nauseated." Then, everyone was called out of the pool. Even though I didn't swim, I kept looking for my blue towel. So I swam to other side of the pool and looked for it. Suddenly, I am in a house, not a pool. Then, a park. I saw someone and asked them about my towel. Only now, I wanted my gloves, not a towel.
"Oh, all the classes have it's own special gloves now, even the cooking class you're in!" I don't recall who said this, but I seem to remember it being an aunt or uncle. Did I mention we were standing by a bare leaved bush in Edgemont Park? This sticks out in my mind.
Suddenly, again, I am in an apartment and I know it's Friday. I see the TV on and think about weekend plans.
 Suddenly, a third time, I am in the back of a car being driven to the pool by Arnold Shortman (from Hey Arnold) and Gerald. Funny thing is, we were driving european style, by mountains! I don't know why, but we were racing to get there but all these purple cars kept getting in the way! I think in this instance I WAS pregnant, and Helga! This about when I woke up.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Mafia

     The school Chaplain was sitting across from me enjoying the most delicious herb-incrusted steak known to man. Like me, he was taking the time to savor the rarity, the juiciness, and the absolutely evil layer of fat that was too good to pass up.
     "I got a call once," he said between bites, "I was offered a car. 'What kind of car?' I asked. 'Any kind you wish Father.' Of Course, that car would have been stolen. You should never take anything from them. Because once you do, you are theirs. They could ask you do ANYTHING at ANY time and you cannot refuse. In the old days they didn't touch priests. But today? Forget about it! No Respect! NONE! " My mouth dropped, eyes going wider then the plate of heavily food that sat in front of me. I had known this man for years yet he never once mentioned this shocking connection. Of course, when I had met him I was attending the school he was Chaplain of, so information like this would not have been let out. But that did nothing to diminish the surprised feeling that was washing over me at the moment. 
     "Someone I know has connections to the mob-the Mafia!" I thought to myself. This was so astonishing that, even though I had finished eating without thinking of it, it had entered my mind. 

     Yep, ladies and gents, I dreamt of the Mafia.

     They were after me. I don't know why, and I cannot recall if an official hit had been put on me. All I knew was that the best dressed Wise Guys were going to rub me out! I felt completely scared, guys all around me, waiting. Then, out of nowhere I see Ellen Page! I Got the sense from her that she could either help me, or was in the same boat as I was. 

     Thinking of it now, she must have been just as doomed. The last thing I remember is feeling half awake, the image of a suit hanging over me My arms tingled, my mind screaming "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" And then, my eyes opened. The Inn room were I was staying was dark and I realized that I was safe. Scared, but safe. My face was cold, but slowly warming up. To calm myself I checked e-mail, played a short online game of balloon popping and then went bad. Thankfully, I didn't dream of the Mafia again. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Crazy Dreams

Hello and Welcome,
I don't expect people to read this other then those who might catch my link on Facebook. So why blog then? Because I have crazy dreams and I want to keep a record of them! Once I post a new status on ye olde book of face, the dream of which I had posted about is now buried and will soon be lost in the millions of other updates we call "Life." So I'll use this space to post about my most recent crazy dreams. Beware. It's not pretty, nor will it make sense.

Oh, and a note about grammar and spelling. I try (to the best of my ability) to write well. But because this is a dream journal where I'll simply get down the latest party on the hippocampus my grammar and spelling won't be top notch; more middle to lower notch actually.
So here goes my first dream post. 9AM:
Jerry Sienfield was going to leave his show for a few months and I was sad. So, at his going away dinner (that was right next to ocean. In fact, there was some wall to keep it out) I remember hugging him and then he left with bags in hand. But, after he did I realized that I never said goodbye, OR told him how much his show meant to me. So after telling the people at the table I realized I should go tell HIM. So, me and a bunch people flap our arms and FLY to California where Jerry was. Did not find him, so we flew back.  What was funny about Cali though, was that all the streets were covered in fake wood paneling with doorways at each curb.  The numbers and names of each street were done in large silver characters on the top of each doorway. 

Suddenly, I am driving AND riding a bike at the same time trying to get to my father's place. Yet, all I see are signs for Philly, and thats not were I am headed. SO...I get lost...find my friend Bobby and try get help from him, but his angry mother kicks me out before I have the chance. So I leave..and try to fly again, but can't get as high. In fact, I can't even get much off the ground. I see his mother answering the front door and see bums and poor people outside..but she says something to ward them off and then I wake up.