Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cookie Advert

Nap time dream: I was in my living room in my apartment. Off to the back where the couch should have been there was a few square tables with off white/light yellow linens on them. In the center table there are cookies, and a camera. Apparently, right under the mantle there is small child whose being used for a cookie advert. I was shocked, seeing as this is MY (Well, more my roommates then mine) apartment and not some ad agency. 

Suddenly, at the first table near the kitchen the mother of the child asked me to dinner. 

"It's just Chillies!" Then, just as suddenly, my Dad walks by and says "Um, I should take her to dinner. She is MY daughter after all!" A white gloved waitress comes out of my kitchen with platters of covered food and I realize that, somehow, this isn't just my apartment anymore. A high rise lobby complete with gold-streaked red marble floors had somehow popped into my living room. I mean, my living room was not there anymore. Just a huge lobby with Marble floors. Why do I keep dreaming of marble floors anyway? It's the same kind too, brownish-red with gold streaks. Every time. Oh, and there large green plants everywhere too. I'd say every corner but this lobby was had no corners. It was one huge cylinder! There white gloved waiters with covers trays of food running ALL around the place. 

""Why can't my landlord tell me about this!" I scream in the center of the place. "ONE phone call is all it takes to warm me of this!!!" About then I woke up.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The High School Kingdom of Texas

 Another Crazy Dream. I was in a living in an apartment that was part of a mall. I am not sure if I was in Texas, but from what people said later, it must have been. A large tree fell into my apartment and we all have to leave. Outside the apt was a long hallway of stores. There was a blond woman with BIG hair standing next to me. After a while of standing around we got to back inside.

In the living room there were scraps of light purple fabric on a red rug. There was a couch behind the rug. I went to my room and the blond woman came in. "Quick! Choose a dress! The High School Kingdom of Texas NEEDS you!!! You MUST choose a Texas Prince to Marry. Pronto!!!" I immediately thought to myself, "I hope they mean I can pick from where my fiance! I want him!" We looked outside and saw ALL neighboring trees being torn down. About then I woke up.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I dream it so you don't have to!!

This dream was sad. Really sad. In this dream things jumbled around and around. Lucy Camdon from 7th Heaven was running away from her husband. People tried to chase her through a garden filled with fountains. It was SO sunny!!! I never saw Lucy, I just chased her path. What was odd was that while running through the garden, the plot of the dream shifted. 

I was still running to catch her. But in my pursuit I learned that Doug Walker died. I was suddenly crippled with overwhelming sadness. I was crying so much my eyes HURT. Finally my I saw in the dream caught up with my emotions. I was no longer in a garden. I was in a mansion standing next to Drew Barrymore who was leaning on a dresser. 

"I'm going to be a non-speaking extra in this one, OK?" She says nonchalantly. I turn my head to see my friend (also named Dough) was getting ready in front of a bright mirror with long bulbs of light in either side. 

The next thing I remember is being in a huge room of the mansion. I was with all of the FDU friends (Also known as The Crazy Crew) and I was STILL crying. 

"I could handle him quitting his show," I sobbed, "But NOT THIS!!!" I broke down again while a Crew member came by to console me. 

"And now Fletchy is dead too!" I sobbed. I remember the floor of room was made of stone. Large gray slabs of blobbed shaped stone. By a wall a line of stones rose up above the rest and I sat them on them, still crying. I can tell I dreamt more, but I can't recall what.

Oddest thing is, I have NO IDEA who fletchy is. Or was, according to my dream. Where do I get this stuff?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Katy Perry

Another odd dream. Only this time I dreamt that Katy Perry wanted a sex change so she could be the first legally male singer/star to give birth. Only, he/she/it didn't get pregnant right away. Instead Katy put a HUGE exorcize ball up her shirt. I saw it back stage. It was a muted turquoise color and looked like the ones we used in gym class. 

Suddenly, I am in a light brown room with a fat nanny. I can't recall if there was something going on with the certain in the room. But I can recall that my brain quickly changed scenes again. 

I was in a limo with an african american. We were driving down long wining streets with houses that all looked the same. Like Levittown. On my left hand there was a Rolex with a large face and reddish purple background. 

"Here," I said as I gave it to the man, "Take it back. I should not have accepted it. Sorry." About then I woke up.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dead Dream5

Wow, what an odd dream. OK, I know ALL my dreams are odd, but trust me..ODD DREAM. I was in my bed trying sleep and I couldn't. No matter what I did, I was wide awake. I look up see fireworks reflected in the white blades of the ceiling fan. I sit up and look at them out my back window. 

What was odd was that instead of there being three windows, there were two sliding glass doors and a porch. Several people where out there watching the fireworks. I stayed in bed and watched. Then, out of nowhere Deadmau5 came in! He was not wearing his famous Mau5head. It was just plain old Joel Zimmerman. He walked to my bed, hugged me (which was really creepy considering how I sleep) and then proceeded to lick the left side of my face. 

"Ok," I thought to myself, "I can do this! I can kick him down before he rapes me!" And then I woke up. REALLY confused. It felt SO real. It felt so lucid, and creepy. Boy, was it creepy!!! Everything was normal (for me at least) in the dream until Joel showed up and then it was like...a nightmare. And I have no idea why. If I met Deadmau5 is real like I'd be happy!!! A total Fan-girl. But no...in my dreams Deamau5 has to be a total creep and lick me. Why does my subconscious hate me?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WOW, what a dream!!! My father had bought a new house in south Jersey. It was HUGE, but vary nice. It was the kind of house you'd see in "Leave It To Beaver" wonderful shutters, two grand stories Anyway...

Dad and I were out back talking about how great the lawn was. 

"It's so HUGE! And, get this! NO ONE ELSE can use it but YOU! That's gotta be nice Dad!"

"Hey, you're right!!!" Dad exclaims. Next thing I know a friend I have not seen since middle school asks me to see her.

"Just drive on by and we'll walk the old rout!!!"

"Dad just moved, can't do that. But I can still come by." So we made a plan. I didn't tell my dad the exact plan because I knew he'd forbid me to go, so I just said I was going to said friend without saying what we'd do.

BUT! I never make it there. I paused by some lake, or something, and next thing I know some really tanned naked guy with orange hair, an orange handle bar mustache, and a red beret (That sported some military symbol I couldn't make out) jumps in my car and tells me to drive. I do, amazed that I can drive smoothly. He points a gun at me and I'm mad I can't defend myself. I KNOW that I'd use my anger to hurt the guy, yet I can't. So we drive on. Suddenly, he asks me to stop the car. 

We get out by another lake. There a red brick wall that makes up the entrance of the lake. There are fall leaves all around it, a damp rainy day. At first he leaves me with nothing, but then he changes his mind and leaves me with my nearly dead cell, and bike. He keeps my purple Duluth Bag with all my money and various cards in it. At this point I am SO DONE with the dream that I try wake myself up. I know I'm sort of up, but not all the way.

You know that feeling? When you can sense your limps starting to wake up but the rest of you is still out cold? I felt that. Obviously I got up shortly after.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I had another crazy dream: This time was I in a yellow room with shelves in the walls. I clearly remember the room being macaroni shaped with a huge window at curviest part of the bend. 

"Can I have this room? You can have the blue room!" this teenage girl asks.
"No. Besides, all my speakers and record stuff is already in here anyways" The odd thing was, I could picture the blue room. It was just as AWESOME as the yellow one. Only triangle shaped. But I stood my ground. After the girl left I went looking for my fathers records. They were in the record cabinet somewhere and I was having trouble finding them. I don't know if I found them or not. Oh, and I should add that my room felt like my old yellow room from the first house I ever lived in. Though it didn't have the flowers on the walls, or the lady one brother of mine drew on.

The second dream was just as odd. I was in some mall with reddish-brown marble floors that had gold streaks. Only, this was not a mall. It was my college dorm. Whenever I dream about college dorms they always look fancier. Boarding school dorms too! Anyway...I was walking the grounds, realizing that we had live-in doctors. 

I was in the kitchen of my suit about to cook something when I felt a strange thing in my pants. This gets gross, so..be warned. What it turned out to be was pink and green neon colored worms coming out of a front area....No matter how many I managed to get out, more were there. A this point I decided to get help from the doctors. Thankfully, I woke up.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dream Time: I was in a van with my brothers and  Dad. Dad stopped the van so the middle brother could run and grab something of mine I forgot. I don't know why I didn't grab it and felt bad that my brother did. When he got back to the car all of us were talking about airplane movie. 

The plot was some guy decided to live in an Airport. We all started to argue on the name when I finally looked it up on my iPad. It was called "Eating Grapes." 

As usual the scene changed.  I was in my apartment looking at my watch. The time? 13:01. I got scared because I was supposed to meet a friend at noon. Plus, my watch never does military time. I was about to leave when I realized my watch was wrong. It was not 13:01, it was 11:01. I walked out from my room to find my roommate in a lovely pink prom dress with a shiny flower on the strap. 

"I'm going to something with an old friend," she says, and leaves. I run to the bathroom, and her and the friend come back to get something. I didn't see them behind the bathroom door, but I did once I opened it. Suddenly, I find out that this friend is moving IN!! A few nights later at a party we're throwing I find out a guy is moving in as well!! Then, out of nowhere some strange lines of color in shades of green and blue roll before my eyes. Turns out, we are all part of a sitcom and the only way to boost ratings is to add two new characters. I run to my room.

"I can't have quite time!" I moan, "Not that I meditate, but...I could!!! I could start with lying in my bed, being real quite...but WAIT I CAN'T! Not with two new roommates." I walk out of my room and find the girl packing up.

"Leaving?" I ask. 
"Yep! I can't afford my share of the rent! I was never going to pay, anyway..."
"Thats right!!" I shout, "There can only be ONE Joey to a Chandler around here!!! HAHA!!" Though, I might have thought it instead of said it. About here I woke up.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This was an odd one. First, I was on some arctic island with Stand Marsh. He kept telling me something which I can't remember. We were sitting on the edge some huge hole when I realized that at any moment Cartmen could jump and push me in. To avoid this I tried to go the airport.

Then, suddenly, I was in the wood paneled basement of my childhood home. I spotted some old speakers that went with my fathers old set (and my current set) and wanted to try them out. I remember looking around the whole basement for other speakers. I went to one cabinet hidden in the paneling and found huge suitcases.

"This must be where they keep the suitcases now," I thought. In the front of the basement near the stars I saw more speakers AND a HUGE hardwood cabinet that had an old radio inside. The kind with a Magic Eye.

"Hey! This is the one! Remember?" I said to fiance. For some reason he was not impressed. Oh, and did I mention the speakers were light? Every speaker I wanted to try out was REALLY light and small. I asked my dad if it was a sub woofer, or something else, he just yelled at me. "There JUST SPEAKERS"

By the staircase was a bar. It's not huge, just a small corner piece of wood. Opposite was a door. I opened the door to find amplifier/receivers galore and father asks "Want one?"

"No," I answer, "These won't work as well, and plus, I have one that is great!" Things get really confusing here. I mean, WOW confusing. I mean, I can't even make it out. But, I think I was in a room with Bobby, Peggy, and Hank Hill. We were talking about something when I'm told I can test my speakers at someone's kindergarden class. I get on a van and go.

At the classroom I realize I have to change. I forgot what I changed into and what I wore before. I just know that I changed. Also, before the classroom started there was this long, green/blue carpeted cat walk with a dresser on the side. In the back,right-hand corner of the cat walk was my brothers old friend Yoshi.

"So what's it like sharing a name with video game dinosaur?" I asked.
"Oh, you have to do..." and he preceded to tell me how to make Yoshi do special things in the game. Even though I could understand a WORD he said, I smiled and thanked him for the tips. There is more to this, but I can't recall. So I must have woke up then.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I had a crazy dream last night. This time, some girls were trying to steal my ring because it was falling off. The band kept braking and splitting. When I got it back on, the girls said "We want it!" I said, "NO WAY!" After a while the girls said, "Um...let me hand you some crayons." I knew what they were up to, so I didn't take them at first. But then, somehow, they got me grab them, and they HAD
 my ring. I did have it in the end, not sure how.

Then, like always, a scene change. I am at some beach and an old friend is talking to me on the phone. "I love you. And always have!" he says. I walk along the beach and see all these cool rides and the sand looks more like tile in a bathroom. Well, just when I think I'm at my hight on confusion (I might have been flying by flapping my wings at this point) some guy who looks like Professor Snape tells me he has found me a JOB!!! I get to be an assistant to someone famous. Every wows in awe when hear the persons name, but it's no one I recognize. I go to her mansion that just so happened to be across from the beach and we talk.

"My act," she says, "Is that I hold up this folding ladder horizontally in the audience while acrobats do their tricks on ladder steps. This is to distract the REAL act of corse, make them mess up, you know." She was big, blond, and I think she had one of those long cigarette holders. After chatting with her I mention The Moody Blues, and she says "OH GOOD! We like the same music!" I start to rattle off song lyrics, and she is happy. By the way, did I mention that her view was wonderful? A great grassy yard with an ocean view!!! When I rattled off the lyrics I was running ALL around the yard. About here I woke up.