Sunday, March 6, 2011


I dreamt that I was pretending to be pregnant. This quite funny since I DO want kids someday have had dreams of being pregnant.

But not last night. Last night I was stuffing some yellow squishy pillow under my close. As I recall, throughout the dream I kept wondering when I would fake the labor pains. "Maybe during the big ceremony!" I thought. Though, I cannot remember what would happen during that ceremony.

Then, I saw on some TV a soap where a woman in a fancy red dress was trying to give birth. I wondered if thats what it would be like when I faked it. Then, again, I was at a New Years Party.

I was sitting next to a guy who was the "father" and drank what looked like mock-tail, but where really mixed drinks. For some reason, I was given a list of what I had drank that night. I remember trying to see if I could get the "father" worried about me. Whatever I did, nothing worked. So I went to sit on some circle of chairs, holding my cocktail list and another sheet that had my secret on it.
The, a third time, I was in a store buying things. Pillows, plush toys, and all the good things, including a Princess phone.  Suddenly, I am in some room with the "father" on the bed. He sleeping, I'm not. My brother takes both sheets (cocktail list and confession sheet) and read them, getting mad. He tapped the back of my head, and I had to explain to everyone (my mother, father, the "father") that I wanted to be pregnant so much that faked it. My mother was not mad, can't recall how everyone else felt. Woke up soon after.

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