Monday, June 20, 2011

Carry Bradshaw's spices.

So there I was, standing in a NYC university library with my roommate. We started walking the halls and using our hands to lightly scrape the white walls we passed. We opened the clear doors and walked through another room of books and then finally left the building to get to the street.

Once there we started walking around we were suddenly dressed to the nines. Nice shoes, glamorous clothes..We open this gray door. It looked like a janitor's closet door, and the room followed suit. There was a table there in the middle of the small space. Once I sat down I saw that Cary Bradshaw was sitting across from me, about to eat this huge meal with her friends. The thing was, this meal seemed all planned. When I burst though that door I never once thought that it was odd, or weird. Instead it seemed exciting! A dinner with friends!

"Are those my spices?" Carry asked. She was pointing to me. Under my silver purse I had a bag of cheese-yellow spices. They were finally ground and sand like. I looked at my silver bag, then the spices.
"I did not take them! I was talking to you remember?"
"Yea, when you took the spices right out from under me! You probably took them when I turned my head!" I tried to explain myself, but couldn't. This was about the time I woke up.

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