Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Simpsons

Sorry I have not posted. It would be easy to say that it was because of my lack of dreams, but thats not entirely true. Along with the little dreaming my mind has been doing, I also have been dealing with family issues. I'd tell you what they are, but then I'd be writing 27 years of baggage and I don't think anyone (unless paid to do so) would be willing to hear all that.

So I'll skip on to the one dream I DO remember:

I had just read "Discloser" by the late-great Michael Critchton so it's only fitting that I would dream of a trial.

I was walking out of the town hall/courthouse of The Simpsons. As I recall, someone tried to tell me my case was in jeopardy. I can't recall what I had done, or what exactly my case was. All I knew, standing on the steps beside crowds of people, was that my case was lacking something. I think, to the left of my I saw Mr. Burns. Suddenly, like always, the scene changed.

I was standing on some snowy grass beside a road at night. The Simpsons where standing in front, moving around. I am not sure if they were bouncing, or dancing. They just moved. My lawyer pointed to them and said "Oh Yes, that will help your case." Then, as I watched them bobble about, a brightly-rainbow colored bridge just sprung up over us. It was so odd. The bridge started forming from the left to the right, rainbow colors moving over it. The Simpsons where still moving about.

Now that I think about it, I could only see their backs. Lisa's starfish head seems the most prominent and clear to me, her neck stretching up and down.  Bart's head was wafting left to right, bending really far in each direction. It was about then I woke up.

Thats all for now folks.

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