Thursday, December 27, 2012

Big Dream

I had this dream that someone I knew was becoming a polygamist by marring a second wife. She was Chinese. What was interesting about her was that her car was ALWAYS parked on some shore of some lake or beach, and to get to it she always jumped into the water and swam to it. 

When I asked the person WHY he was marring a second wife he said "Well, can't stick with just ONE for the rest of my life. PLUS: Tax cuts." When my aunt got word of what this person was doing, she and I went into a college dorm TV area to talk about it. The ceilings where REALLY now. Just before the wedding my aunt pulled me aside and asked what I got them as gifts. Then we talked about how to stop the wedding.

"Maybe we should all remember what you said on New Years," my aunt said. What was odd was that her eyes were REALLY wide. Like..anime wide. Not sure why....

About then I woke up.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Apple Pregnancy Test

Any readers out there? Any? Well, in case there are (hey anything can happen) I'm sorry I have not posted in a long while. I was in the process of moving to a new state and somehow that stress didn't induce more odd dreams. Once might think it would...but...alas not.

I did have one last night though...

Apple made pregnancy tests. Once done the screen would flash green if you're pregnant and a percent of HOW pregnant you were and red if you were NOT pregnant and how NOT pregnant you were. It was so odd. There is more to this dream but it's so detailed it would take years to recall it all.
