Monday, February 14, 2011

Crazy Dreams

Hello and Welcome,
I don't expect people to read this other then those who might catch my link on Facebook. So why blog then? Because I have crazy dreams and I want to keep a record of them! Once I post a new status on ye olde book of face, the dream of which I had posted about is now buried and will soon be lost in the millions of other updates we call "Life." So I'll use this space to post about my most recent crazy dreams. Beware. It's not pretty, nor will it make sense.

Oh, and a note about grammar and spelling. I try (to the best of my ability) to write well. But because this is a dream journal where I'll simply get down the latest party on the hippocampus my grammar and spelling won't be top notch; more middle to lower notch actually.
So here goes my first dream post. 9AM:
Jerry Sienfield was going to leave his show for a few months and I was sad. So, at his going away dinner (that was right next to ocean. In fact, there was some wall to keep it out) I remember hugging him and then he left with bags in hand. But, after he did I realized that I never said goodbye, OR told him how much his show meant to me. So after telling the people at the table I realized I should go tell HIM. So, me and a bunch people flap our arms and FLY to California where Jerry was. Did not find him, so we flew back.  What was funny about Cali though, was that all the streets were covered in fake wood paneling with doorways at each curb.  The numbers and names of each street were done in large silver characters on the top of each doorway. 

Suddenly, I am driving AND riding a bike at the same time trying to get to my father's place. Yet, all I see are signs for Philly, and thats not were I am headed. SO...I get lost...find my friend Bobby and try get help from him, but his angry mother kicks me out before I have the chance. So I leave..and try to fly again, but can't get as high. In fact, I can't even get much off the ground. I see his mother answering the front door and see bums and poor people outside..but she says something to ward them off and then I wake up. 

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