Sunday, August 26, 2012

Restoring Pictures

This dream has fuzzy details. But here goes:

I was traveling from hotel to hotel with the Hills from the King of the Hill TV show. Each hotel we stopped at had ancient pictures for us to restore.  We restored them on their front lawns. At the end of our trip, I heard, we would stop at some amusement park for two days and then drive back, stopping at each hotel again.

As we went through the hotels I seem to remember my fiance with me, only I had to share him with someone else. Not sure who else, I just recall walking to hotel halls (that looked more like the dorm of South Harmen Institute of Technology from that movie Acceptance) and thinking to myself "I feel like such a polygamist. Why do I have to share?" This was odd because while I could see the skinny brown haired woman in his bed, it made no sense why I would dream that. He's been AWESOME to me and I have not watched Big Love in forever!

 Suddenly, I am near my soon-be-hubby on some parking lot near a field of grass. We are told NOT to pay the bill at our current hotel and just leave.

At the next place (that looked just like the last) Peggy got herself into the hotel jail. She complains the whole time about her yellow jump suit and the work she was assigned too. I look at her from a high up window with a turquoise blue frame and yell "You should be fortunate you get to experience this! You have to treat every event in life as something to learn from!" I remember feeling so proud of myself for saying, and knowing that. About this time I woke up. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pillows and Former Houses

This dream was an odd one. I was with my college friends eating a whole bunch of sugary cereal in a dark basement with little light. The cereal looked, and tasted like, sugar cookies with sprinkles on top. I got the box out of some brown cabinet with light brown carvings on the door and Lazy Susans for shelves.  

We ate, and started to play a game. Part of this game was to lie in some grove in the cement basement ground and pretend something was happening. The happening I chose was going into labor. Out of nowhere I stand up and say "Ya know, I have a really good pillow back at home. Let me get it."

Suddenly, I was home and I could not tell you how I got there. When I looked around my home it felt like my father's former blue Victorian house, yet I KNEW it was my father's current green two-family- plus-border house. But the odd thing was, it didn't really look like either of them on the inside. It was HUGE, about the size of a grand hotel. There were great wood cravings on the walls and gold patterns on the marble floors. It was so ritzy it made it made the set of Titanic look shabby! I tell you, to totally detail the wondrous architecture would take me DAYS! 

I started looking for my room but could not recall which wing it was in. I found the basement, which has all this light wood furniture in it with bright lighting that made it look like the basement of blue house. Only, I did not see the classic wood paneling or the camouflage rug Mother bought to hide spills. It also had more rooms with the same bright light coming in from windows and more of that light brown furniture. I soon found my way out and toured the wings again. The carpet was a medium green that looked kind of fuzzy. I remember seeing some odd name painted on a door that gave me a clue to my room number. I can't recall how, but I found my room soon enough. There was yellow everywhere via bright sun coming through windows and my old bookcase. The book case a basic brown wood with a half-circle trimming on the top shelf. I found the mushy-light green pillow I came for and left with it. 

Did I mention there were Bell Boys in white spats? They were pulling luggage carts ALL the while I searched for my room.

Well, pillow in hand I stuffed it under my shirt and found my college friends again at a near by jungle gym. Behind me was a train stop that was covered. I can't say for sure, but I must have used the train to get to them. 

"Oh, there you are? Why did you stuff your shirt with your pillow?" They asked.
"I hear it's some kind of new way to find fun." One said. And that was when I woke up. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Can't Recall.

So last night, and the night before, I had dreams I can TELL were wild. But I can't recall then. If I happen to remember any of the two (Not likely) then I'll be sure to post it.

Dream on!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cherokee Subway

Another crazy dream: I was walking and decided to take a subway. Only, it was not like a normal NYC subway. It was a system that the Cherokee Indians built, which meant it ran with no electricity. Instead, riders like myself walked into some tiled enclosure with one long river in the middle. You got into some sort long kayak and paddled off.

Half way through my trip the subway system changed. The ceiling was lowered so much that riders had to crawl on their bellies. The floor was no longer a river, but a path of stretchy off white cloth that wrinkled up. I was NOT fond of this change (Kinda scared of it actually) and got out at the first four-way intersection stop I could.

When I got out I was in some sort of Christmas store that sold things in bulk. I walked around and noticed that I was only in half of the store and would like the see the whole thing.

"Oh, well, you have to use the Subway system for that," one guy said. Like most dreams, I could not see his face.
"But I hate it! The ceiling is so low," I replied.
"Maybe we can make a path. There must a above ground path." We realize there is not, and I tried using the new subway again. Still scary, but getting better. Things get really fuzzy here and even though I know there is more to this dream, I can't recall.

That's all for now. Happy Dreaming!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Outer Space and Speaker Food

Another Crazy dream.The details are sketchy. I know part of my dream had to do with my father, and my old house, but I am not sure how. What I do remember is this. I was in a dark room at some table. There were hanging lamps around us that looked like the kind you see in police interrogation scenes. I was looking at some black electronic device that had modern a speaker grid over it. Inside was taco meat, string beans, and something else I can't recall. I broke open the grid and ate the ground beef, loving its AWESOME taste. Some guy took the speaker dinner away from me and started serving it on a plate. Only, they didn't put the taco meat, just the string beans. I frowned at the plate as I walked away.

I heard about a woman who had just came back from outer space. It was then I realized I was in a space station and if I wanted, I could go into outer space as well. Things start to get fuzzy here, but I do remember standing in some kitchenette that seemed to glow radiantly as a slender African American opened and closed cabinates as she told me what a great job my fiance had done on his last mission. I smiled, and before I knew I was flying in some contraption with a clear top so I could see the open green field of small patches of shrubs I flew over. It was about here that I woke up.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pink Floyd and Steve Brady

I had another dream, but it has too many elements. I know it had something to do with the Sex and the City cast. But the man who was in Miranda's life was a cross between one of my uncles, and her ex Steve Brady. I saw her and the girls at the coffee shop talking, but instead of putting their purses on the table, they put them in the Fiestaware colored cabinets on a floor-ceiling beam next to them. Suddenly, I was not watching them anymore. I was at a summer fare with Miranda's new man!

"I made you a Christmas present," He told me while we sat in folding chairs under a tent, "but I can't say what it us. Only that it is a Donic painted dresser." I smiled, realizing he gave away what it was. A Sonic the hedgehog themed dresser. Then, this uncle inspired-Steve guy went up stage to do magic to Pink Floyd music. I saw his purple suit he wore, but never his face. Once he was done he came down and asked me what kind of drink I'd like on the way to where we'd be spending Christmas this year.

"You're going to need something to pre-game with before you get there!"
"Oh," I said, "Usually I like Hot Toddies and Apple Cider with bourbon." He said what he and his kids would drink as we walked to this stone made food stand. Above where they hand out the food was a sign that read-in gold lettering with vibrant red background-"Miriam is not allowed here!" I thought about it a moment and said "Miriam? Oh man, I'm thinking about too much Hey Arnold again!"

Before I knew I was in someone's apartment that many white walls and carpet covered stares. They wanted me to photoshop their dog.

"I can't do that!" I thought to myself, "The picture they want me to use HAS no dog it. Just lines!" my fiance looked at me and asked, "How many lines?"


"I'll do it then." I smiled and hugged him, happy he would help. But oddly, we were not in the persons white-washed apartment anymore. We were sitting on my fathers red, yellow, and green pattered couch. About then I woke up.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


For those of you who read my blog (Really? Got that much time on your hands?) I have started posting again. I know, it's been a year, but..why not. Might as well send my weirdness into cyber space.

REMINDER: Grammar, spelling, and all resemblances to correct American English will be gone. When I post these I am not going for perfect. I just jotting down what I can remember from the night before, and if it's full of errors, why not?

Happy reading!

Matt G, Simpsons creater

Posted on 07/09/2012
Just woke up from a REALLY strange dream. I was sleeping in my old room in my old house (That I have not lived in for 12 years) naked except for the sheets. Out of nowhere Matt Groening bursts in with a McDoland's burger and fries for me and tells me he needs help with his new script.

"Um, I'm NAKED!" I say as I hold up my blanket. He puts me at some desk, we look at the script in Word, and he le
aves happy. But then, I keep wondering if I REALLY helped Matt Groening or if I just dreamed it. For some reason if I looked at the back some wedding magazine I get a clue that I really DID help Matt. It gets fuzzy here, but I think Matt Groening offered me a job as a script fixer (I think they're called Script Doctors) and then my current boss comes in and smiles for me, adding that she'll have to share me now. And then I wake up.

Black Cats

Posted on 07/13/2012
I had this dream where my fiance and I were still in college. But we were separated from each other. When we finally connected again I was SO HAPPY to see him! We hugged, kissed, and sat. Suddenly a black and white couple came up front of everyone and third person said "Does any of you have a problem with this?" I didn't say anything, but I wanted to shout "Hey! She loves him so LEAVE them alone!"

There was also something about a road in there too, but I can't recall exactly what.

Cook My Noodle

Posted on 07/16/2012
I had another crazy dream. It was my wedding celebration and SOMEHOW an ex of mine got in. It turns out that he's related so my fiance's family and he, along with some friends, crash the party. I try to go up and explain why HE was not the groom, but he would not hear of it. Instead, he avoided me. When we did the toast to us, I held up my small bottle champagne (which had a green card-like board
around it. Fancy too!) and I felt bad for my ex. Because I had found a sweet guy.

Somehow...after walking around and hearing someone pass around a bottle of something called "Cook My Noodle" that I drank from, I knew it was better not to bother my ex. But HE came to me. By then I just flew up above him to get away. Yep. I FLEW. Just floated up, and flew. The dream got so complicated after that to TRY and figure it all out would be hard. Or maybe I could dig of Freud and have him do it? But then...everything would lead to sex. Ah, never mind.

A friendly chat

Posted on 07/17/2012
Another Crazy Dream again. This time I heard my friend talking to me. And as she continued to talk, I FELT her try to hug me. I thought, "Ok, I know I am dreaming. Hows about I controls things now, get what I want going," but my brain didn't want that. So it changed scenes. Instead of being in a dubious space, I was in a large pool that looked like my closet. I KNEW I was dreaming again and thought, let me wake up. But it took a while. My body was not letting me wake up, only take HUGE breaths like I was in water. I thought I'd drown, but luckily, I only fell to the bottom of the pool and woke up. This might have happen more then once, but details are fuzzy.

Wedding tattoos

Posted on 07/18/2012
I had a dream that I got a tattoo of something on the side of my face. It looked neat, but I kept thinking how terrible my wedding would look with a huge tat on my face. What was odd was that my roommate had one on her ankle, but git it removed. "You could get rid of it," she said, "But it'd hurt AND the impression of the tat would still be there anyway." So I put my hair in front of it instead of lazar treatments. Odd, odd dreams.

High School, and fancy parties.

Posted on 8/19/2012
Another Crazy Dream: I was in some High School in the middle of the night. In the bathroom. Some sort of party was going on and I noticed all the tiles on the shelf that jutted out near the door had paint on it. So I painted the last of the tiles white, and soft pink. THEN I realized that the school would HATE that the tiles were painted. So I tried to clean them. It was about then some school officials 
showed up and scolded us. We got some punishment, but the computer guy of our group said "Hey, I busted into the system and changed our punishment. Now all WE have to do is watch a foreign film" We did, with Daria characters playing parts.

But then, some official catches wind of the change. We're at some party in a neat house, mine, I think. There is lush green all around me...and cater waiters. So, I try to whisper to the computer geek through my window to find out what we'll say. But the head school official catches us.

"Once I get out of the bathroom, we'll REALLY talk it over." The school official moves aside a tray of Mozzarella that's on my window sill and tomato and pushes through. She uses the bathroom, and gets out.

"The rules changed. We now only have to watch something," I say.

"And did you!"

"YES!" Suddenly, I am at Ross looking for wedding dresses when the official follows me there! She starts going through the Ross employee's credit card that where held in a wooden case. Then I woke up.

Bart Simpson and iPod's

Nate Fisher

I had a strange dream last night. First, I was in some sort of ocean with Nate Fisher from Six Feet Under. He wanted to date me, but I said "Not yet." Then suddenly, the ocean was up against some porch. It great pillars! We climbed up it to reach the moon. But then, there was another scene change. I was with my dad at David's Bridal and my dress consultant kept on putting ugly yellow veil's on me so my father would say "NO! Not it!" before seeing my real dress and veil and liking it. He never got to see it though. Woke up before he had the chance.

Philadelphia 30th street.

Posted: 08/06/2012

I had another strange dream were was walking to Philly 30th street when Dad called and asked how Robert was. My first thought was, "OH! I'm dreaming!!! This means that my dream reality MUST be different then my waking reality. How?" But I could not ask that. So I just said he was fine and marveled at the fact that my brain was comfortable enough to conjure my fiance as my spouse. I even 
told him that when I woke up from my dream within a dream. 

Then! When I GOT to crosswalk TO the station the changed and I was by a lake. I found out that my middle brother was a reporter for some Midtown NYC paper and an old middle school friend was going to be my high school teacher. I am not sure why I was in school, but I bet I was supposed to be undercover for something. I went to Math class and all we did was think of ways to checkmate some a chess game while the pieces stood in the middle. I knocked over everything, and was suddenly home in a NICE house. My room was a mess, and there were boxes of Fruit Loops everywhere! My father came in, only instead of him being the dad I know, he was ARAB! My room was an offshoot of the kitchen and when I walked out, some police guy was there. I ran back to my room, picked up some boxes and noticed that inside the Fruit Loops were GUNS. Small ones. I ran out, found my arab Father, and told him.
I would NEVER play with guns!!! Not unless I went to the shooting range and even then I use what they have!!!" He smiled and was happy I was such a good girl. About then I woke up.


Posted 08/07/2012

I had a crazy dream again. Only it was about my wedding. I was getting ready and my brother's wife said she could not find her dress. She said it was green. But every dress we found in the room we were in was green. We looked for a few seconds, and then she said "Found it!" and so we moved on finding MY dress. It was green too. With fur. I also was going to have a dress for the reception which was 
ALSO lime green like the rest. Someone I know walks in wearing a bright orange suit and I suddenly exclaim "It's the DAY of my wedding and I forgot to ask him to EMCEE! CRAP!!" I turn to someone who says, "Ask him now."

"I cannot ask him now?" I say. Fast forward to the ceremony and I have a box over my head with a rectangle cut out so I can see!! The officiant says, "Just bend the sides, you'll see now." and I try, but I can't! Also, did I mention I am standing on the wrong side? On the right INSTEAD of the left. The officiant takes out a shiny cardboard and starts reading her parts, folding over any parts she does not need!! It get flubbed, and then, she finds another shiny cardboard and starts again! All the words the officiant says are JUST like ones she used for another wedding because we failed to change them!

And then suddenly I am floating above a HUGE park and there is GREEN EVERYWHERE!!! And instead of being worried about the rest of the wedding, I watch this story about a guy whose wife is taken to a horrible zone of the park. Each zone has a color, and if you go OUTSIDE that color, you die. So I watch the guy (whose face I can't see) run around and try to find a way to take his wife out of the yellow zone without killing her. He does, and tells an inflatable duck float that "Our baby will be fine!!! Because it's YOUR baby too!" The inflatable duck smiles.

Scenes switch again and THIS TIME my fiance and I are walking through some clear glass doors when an woman catches us and says with a smile "Now introduce him as your Husband. Say his FULL name!" I do, and realize with a gasp that my fiance and I didn't sign our marriage license!!! So we rush inside to do it, and THAT'S when I wake up. Any idea's what this means?

Phily Aid's Thrift.

Hey All!
I know...I know..been a over a year. But here is my latest adventure in dream land!!!! If this goes well, I might find my other recent dreams and post them as well.
 I went to the Philly Aids Thrift because they were throwing a cool party. I went with my fiance near me. It was SO odd, First, they kept offering a certain substance *cough cough*wied*cough cough* and there was food everywhere. On the carpeted stairs there was this guy with spiky dreads and he looked more cartoon then man. When you walked up the stairs a TV that sat up top on the left-hand corner of the stairs talked to you. It told you all sorts of things to entice you to continue up. BUT once their they'd put you in some cult, or something. I made it up the stairs, but somehow got away because I knew my fiance had to leave soon. 

With him gone I left. Then I saw a guy try to get up the stares, fail, and come back down. He was too strong for the TV cult waves. I ran up to the cartoon dreaded guy and told him. "No ones falling for it!" He looked up at me, the color of his dreads spilling right out of him. Now they were a light brown color. I walk out of the party, try go home, but suddenly find myself flying back. Yes, that's right! I was FLYING back. And no one believed me that I was. They assumed I was flying high, not flying. I told them that yes, I was. 

Once back at the party I went up the stairs (No TV this time) and was chatting with the owner of the store. She told me that the certain substance that was making the round before were now in the form of a tea. She said she might be able to get her dealer to make some for me. I waited, she came back to brew it. Funny thing was, it had a lot of black, watermelon, and green colored seeds in it. I drank, thought about Robert was not there, and woke up.