Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sorry I have not posted. I have had little to write about. This dream makes up for it.

Today my roommate went out to meet someone. While she was gone I took a nap on the couch. This is what my mind cooked up:

I was on the love seat I was sleeping on. I sat up just in time to see my roommate come running in.

"I can't get to Syracuse! He won't come here so I have to go to him, and there is NO train to Syracuse! He claimed he had a work thing!" She stood in front of the TV as she talked. I listened. Then, I realized I was dreaming.

So I woke up. Only, I hadn't really.  I was still in the dream. Suddenly, my roommate came running in the apartment a second time. She was screaming like before, just not about Syracuse.

"I'm UGLY! He didn't even stay long enough to chat!" She ran to my room, which was on the left of the TV. Thing was, my room had more shelves then it usually does, showing me that it was HER room and not mine.
 Like before I sat up and listened to her. When she sat down I noticed that not only had our love seat grown to a full-size three seater couch (complete with extra pillows!) but my roommate suddenly changed into a friend of mine. When I saw her my mind told me she was spending the night.
"So I guess it didn't work with the swim instructor. But I'll still take everyone's advice and date a athletic guy." As she said that, I suddenly recalled people writer her that on Facebook.  I actually completed a inside thought inside my dream.

"Am I dreaming, or awake?" I asked. "Awake!" The person who said this was my roommate, and not my friend. The friend was now my roommate again.  To wake myself up I got up and started to run in place before doing The Running Man dance from the eighties. I think I was quite good at it.

Like all dreams, I had a sudden scene change. I was watching my roommate drive a white Toyota (which is surprising. She's lived in our city her whole life has not ever needed to learn) up some street past a really nice building. It looked like the White House. It was fall. Leaves all around me. I saw this street across from me. At the end of it was a really nice sunset. Before I could do anything, I was there, at the end. As I walked back I noticed there was a monkey near at the end behind the bush. At least, I think it was. It made a sound and the person who stood near it told me what it said, though I cannot remember. As I walked back up the street I passed an elephant behind a bush to the left of me. The person went to the elephant and said "Oh yea, his sound off confirms he's..." I can't remember what else, but I know there was more. I think it had to do with someone being upset, someone who was not present, yet could see what was going on.

I woke up after that. I still feel like I'm dreaming, but I know I'm not, least...I think I'm not.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I dreamt that I was pretending to be pregnant. This quite funny since I DO want kids someday have had dreams of being pregnant.

But not last night. Last night I was stuffing some yellow squishy pillow under my close. As I recall, throughout the dream I kept wondering when I would fake the labor pains. "Maybe during the big ceremony!" I thought. Though, I cannot remember what would happen during that ceremony.

Then, I saw on some TV a soap where a woman in a fancy red dress was trying to give birth. I wondered if thats what it would be like when I faked it. Then, again, I was at a New Years Party.

I was sitting next to a guy who was the "father" and drank what looked like mock-tail, but where really mixed drinks. For some reason, I was given a list of what I had drank that night. I remember trying to see if I could get the "father" worried about me. Whatever I did, nothing worked. So I went to sit on some circle of chairs, holding my cocktail list and another sheet that had my secret on it.
The, a third time, I was in a store buying things. Pillows, plush toys, and all the good things, including a Princess phone.  Suddenly, I am in some room with the "father" on the bed. He sleeping, I'm not. My brother takes both sheets (cocktail list and confession sheet) and read them, getting mad. He tapped the back of my head, and I had to explain to everyone (my mother, father, the "father") that I wanted to be pregnant so much that faked it. My mother was not mad, can't recall how everyone else felt. Woke up soon after.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This dream is a bit fussy, but still interesting. I was walking around Philly. Only center city was close to the beach. The sun beat down on me. Then, suddenly, I was in college again. Only, this college had more old buildings and loads of bright green grass. I went to one of the many food places grabbed what should have been chicken wings but turned out to be a big latkes.

After eating it I went back outside and someone said "Your mother is here to take you home." I went to find her, seeing many students along the way. I think one of them had bright yellow and orange hair. As I talked to them I also made dinner plans with my mother. It gets really confusing here because I can't remember if she offered to take someone else with us, or I took the bus. I woke up shortly after.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

School Dreams.

Most people who dream of High School have that cliche " I had a Math test and but no pants" or  "I had to give oral report in my underwear." But me, no. I don't have those types of dreams. My school dreams are much odder. The first of which spiraled into my mind only during my younger school years. 
It happened every summer without fail. I'd get home from school and the first thing my brain would cook up that night is some fear that I had to go back because of something I didn't finish. The odd thing was, my brain was smart enough to keep the dream current. It never showed just the school halls, but the current room I had that year. My mind made sure to be specific enough so that I would dream where I  had sat, where the room was, right down the ugly orange carpet that, when I think of it now, reminds me of cheddar cheese.

The second type of school dream usually involved me running in the hall in fear. I would ALWAYS be lost and I would ALWAYS be scared, and the halls would ALWAYS be lined with dimly lit lights and dark painted lockers. Sometimes I'd run to the music room, other times I'd just run, but I'd never get to where I was meant to be.

The third type of dream was usually like the second, only it was much less fearful. The halls would be well lit and the interior would be classically designed, or painted in fun colors.  I'd run, walk and just enjoy my surroundings. last night's dream was none of that. It was a whole new type school dream.
As usual, it started with something I had seen during the day. Before I went to bed, I fell half-asleep on the love seat by the TV. A commercial for Vonage Telephone Service was on.  Since that was the last thing I saw before finally hitting the hay, thats what I dreamt at first.

I was sitting on the love seat thinking about if I could afford the serive. My roommate came in and said,
 "We keep the phone over there!" and pointed to my black Princess phone. It hung awkwardly angled by my record player. It kinda looked like it was going to hump a bump in the wall that stuck out.
Then, I was standing in front of some machine in a mall. There is a long black line going across it, on some sort of roller that was IN the machine. Think of those slot machines and you get the kind of "roller" I mean.

Well, like always, I had a sudden change scenery. I was in High School, standing on the old gravel-made road. My mother was there talking about herself and her experiences with alcoholism. Funny thing was, she was wearing a long orange and gold trimmed tunic. I am not sure exactly why, but I got really mad at her. So I walked to my class and sat down next a good friend of mine I had went to school with.

The teacher was someone I remember, though I never had him in High School. In fact, I think he was fired shortly after I started freshmen year. Anyway...he was teaching (wearing the same tunic my mother had) and for some reason, I felt it was my duty to alert him of my mother. So I stood up and said,
"She is a faker. Do NOT believe her! AT ALL! She just rolls out these sad stories about herself knowing that she won't change. She makes it, so that when she fails, not only do YOU feel sad for her, but you feel like YOU FAILED HER!" I am not sure what I said after that, but it was not pretty. The teacher looked at me and then said,
 "Excuse me, I think I should go talk with her." My friend looked at me. "I think I feel violated, or something," he said,  "I just don't feel good anymore!" and then I woke up.  How odd, no?