Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mother, Job, and College.

Today I have an intern interview. So naturally, my mind decided to dream about it. But because I went to bed without getting a confirmation of whether I should go in, or do it over the phone the first thing my mind dreamt up was that I went there:

I walked in and saw nice white walls. The room was small, about the same size of my room. As I recall, there was a nice carpet and really nice wooden tables all around. A computer sat to the left of me. As I talked with the interviewer I got the idea that this would be more then just an internship. Out of pure nowhere, I was being offered a job. Then, she walked me all around the place.

I saw that in the right-hand corner of the room was a hall. We walked down it and saw many paintings. The walls became a creamy red color. I saw objects being thrown from the open doors on either side of us.

"As you can see," the interviewer said, "we are connected to the college." He didn't say which college, just that we were connected to one. As we moved into the great hall, I realized that all the pictures were moving. I saw a huge one on the great hall wall of a two frogs with another of a dog on wall next to it.

"I really hope the Dachshund fights the frogs!" I thought to myself.  I could see the dog move from his frame to the frogs frame.  Well, as you can guess, there was a sudden scene change. We were back in the office down the hall.

While there, I was being told that my work was SO good that it more then likely that I'd get a paid job from them. I remember standing by my closet when the interviewer said that. I don't know why, but suddenly I started to think about my mother. I don't know if my mind was replaying bad times, or if I just plain remembered them, but I quickly knew she was not doing well.

Then, my dead grandmother came in and announced that mother had been evicted from her building. I grew sad, wondering what I'd do. My aunt and Dad came up to me like they had been there the whole time, but I KNEW they were not. I looked down and saw that I had no pants.

"Please," my aunt stressed, "don't let me take care of my sister. I don't think I can take it!" I went to her.
"You don't have to! You don't have to do anything you don't want to!" I screamed. My aunt the back of her hand on her forehead to show how stressed this would make her.

Flash! We are all on a train. It's going fast. The sun is setting. I stuck my head out the window to look. I saw that all the leaves and brush were brown, dead. They whipped by us fast. Suddenly, we were on top of the train. Then, just as suddenly, I got word that my mother died. Only...I didn't cry right away. I had to think about it first. I started to weep slowly, letting idea of her death sink in. My aunt and Dad did the same, crying only slightly. We moved from the top of the train to some sort of downward tunnel. Amazingly, it lead to my room/ office. About then I woke up,again.

Thats the oddest thing about this dream. I woke up several times through the whole ordeal and no matter how long I stayed up, I always went back to the same spot I was before, like it was a paused movie. Odd right?

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