Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bottle Caps and Oriami

Ok, so this dream felt SO REAL. I don't remember all of it, but this is what I DO remember: I was in the parking lot of Fresh Foods on rt 22 near MBS. Some guy in a bus pulled up and said he had our hiking shoes for us. Me, Bobby Hill, and Luanne Platter got on. Luanne had on silver pumps. As the bus got moving I realized that the man had no shoes for me because he didn't intend for me to come. So we all got off and started walking.

"Well, there's the Bottle Cap. We can hike already know that." What was odd was the highway we were walking on was made of gravel even though in reality it's not and the hiking rout I mentioned was near Montclair NJ. Somehow, we make it there and see the Bottle Cap, or, as I used to call it in my littler days, The Hamburger. There were three or four of them now. We saw them as we came to the open clearing. In the clearing near the opening of one of the any other paths there was a guitar dancing act. They had on pink plaid cowboy shirts and jeans. I thought it was the Flight Of the Conchords's guys, but it turned out to be fans OF them trying to BE them, I think.

As soon as I passed over them I was back in upstate NY at Maplebrook School. I happened to see my old math teacher and was shocked to see him. 

"Oh look, guess I have to deal with Wrong Side," he said. I turned, saw, and looked away. He got me to talk and soon he said, 
"Lets go into my office." We did, and it turned out to be his classroom. Once inside we started doing Origami. I was showing him all the tricks.

"See, the reason it didn't work was because it was not a perfect square. You need it perfect. Here..." I folded the paper so the excess (right word?) paper was at the bottom. I then showed him how to cut.

"See," I said, "You keep folding the extra paper back and fourth to weekend the fibers so when you tear it off, it's easy!" I showed him, and he was glad. But when I tried to finish the fold, the paper got longer again, and full of wholes. Not sure why, but it did. So I asked to borrow some paper. 

"Just two sheets, this not really my classroom. I don't have much." I saw that he had loads red paper. Some had writing on one side, some didn't. I took two random sheets and found out they were from a card. I tried to fold them, but they were too think. They had red backgrounds and purple plants on the cover. I was in the middle of trying to fold it when I woke up. Odd, I know.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Hello Dream Readers! Last two nights I had dreams that where packed will LOADS of mini dreams. Kinda like Inception only less crazy. So how here goes.

Dream 1:

I was with my high school english teacher doing something. I can't recall what. He and I then walked into a record store and I said, "I told my dad about this band. I forget the name. Good band though!!!" My teach turned to me wearing a bulky black, blue, and red sweater and asked "Who am I pretending to be?" I looked at him dance a little, noticed the sweater and said "Cosby!" 
"Nope!" I tired again, failed, and then he told me. "Tim Allan!" I nodded, suddenly getting it.

Then, I was no longer with my teacher. Instead I was at work with a boss who looked like Mitt Romny. Mitt was smiling a lot. He had two girls and every time they misbehaved he physically punished them. The punishment I witnessed was him pushing his daughter's nose up hard with the palm his hand. 

"Um, maybe you shouldn't do that!" I said, "I don't care if I loose my job but why not wait until you're home with them. OUT of public view!"

"But then they might not know why I'm doing it!"

"Oh, " I added, "Like dogs I get it. If you don't whack them now then they won't remember why your whacking them with the newspaper later right? But it's STILL WRONG!!" As he said this some TV behind him was showing trippy silver pictures. One molded into the other. Oh, and the walls were a nice yellow-beige, the carpet was 70's orange, and the bookshelves brown. About here I woke up.

Dream 2:

Had the school dream I have sometimes. The one where I am lost in the halls can't find my classroom. Usually I'm back in grade school or high school. This time I was in college. 

I was trying to see if I could use a pillow to make me look pregnant and I'm not sure why. OH, and there was something with Bette Midler too. Not sure what. Maybe she was the one telling me my pillow thing would not work.

I was walking with some friends down to a lake like Deer Lake in NJ. I ran into an FDU friend who complemented my iPod touch. I said, "It was a gift from my aunt. She's a teacher, but she saved up!" And then my friend said "I get it. If I were a teacher I'd buy it too!" and so walked down to the lake. This lake had polls sticking out of it with store items on it. Not sure why, or how, but this lake had a store in the middle of it. No walls, just aisles. The other side of the lake showed a New York Skyline but I KNEW it was Philadelphia, not NYC. There might have been more, but that's all I got now.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Metallic Army Ships and Rocks

Another Crazy Dream. Man, this A lot was going on, but I'll try my best to remember. I was in some ocean going WAY far out from shore. Off in the distance I saw a long boat with a row windows at the bottom. Only it was not cruise ship. It was a metallic plated military ship that was oddly shaped like the letter V. Only the bottom was flat and rounded at the corners. A vary beveled look. The metal made it shine a little but was tinted in a reddish purple color. Men were jumping off it.

"But I don't want to jump that far!" I said, "The water is really deep and I am AFRAID of the deep! And the hight!!" 

"Aright then!" My drill sergeant said, "I have better job for you!" We swam backwards using our feet like otters. We were going REALLY fast. Like SONIC fast. For some reason, my laptop was on my lap. We got to a post that was basically a white pipe. My sergeant said "Stay here!! Watch this post! Most likely nothing will happen!!!!" I don't know why, but I started to whine about this, so we swam back to shore. 

"Ok, if you're going to whine, here!" By now we on some crumbling steps of a old (and awesome looking) castle building. Everything was brown-ish orange color. The steps I was sitting on were numerous!!! He threw me these rubber stamps and said "Here! Use these to practice putting makeup on! You just coat the stamp with what you want, and press on your eyes" The stamps were for eye shadow. The brow and bottom eye creases were raised so it looked like there would be a solid black line going ALL around my eye. I looked at both and thought about how using these are no different then doing it manually, seeing as the eye shadow would have to be put IN the deep grove to work. 

Suddenly, I was not doing that anymore. I looked outside and saw that the ocean had receded to show WONDERFUL rocks. All the rocks were stacked neatly on each other with some black matter to hold them all in place. The tops of each rock stack were square and clumped together to form one huge rectangular block. The colors were amazing! Hues of red, brown, orange, and tints of yellow. Though there were some rocks that were a deep cobalt blue. The color was VIBRANT. So rich in its cobalt color! The rocks that had this color were on this back wall. 

See, on the right end of this rectangular rock block was an offshoot of rocks that formed a long beam. This rectangular beam went to the back wall. The back wall had earthy toned rocks like the front, but in the middle the wall (and at the tallest part of the wall for some reason) had the Cobalt rocks. The rocks formed a slope kind of like slope you see in the escalator symbol. So there was a THICK line of them that then sloped downward to the bottom. 

I remember going off to do something else, but I came back to the rocks to try to take pictures. My oldest brother pointed at the Cobalt stack and said "That's not part of our country. We can't take pictures of that!" I could see a waterfall coming out of the cobalt and sighed, going to the front of the castle to take photos of the sky. 

"I wonder if my fiance will be happy I've taken up photography!" I thought to myself as I looking through a view finder. The sky was a bright-light blue and clouds sprouted little cloud arms to move into my shot. Then, the scene changed again. Only, elements of the crumbling castle remained. 

I was walking down the steps and realized I was in my Philadelphia apartment building. There was ALL this mail addressed to me on the mail cill in the landing and I grabbed it. When I got back up I remember telling someone that my roommate needs to do some chore. Not sure which chore, or why. Just that she had to do it. I went back down to the front door and Jenna, an old High School peer from MBS opened the front door and said "OH REALY!!!" and then left. About them I woke up. I know...odd...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Crazy Dream: A LOT was going on, but only a little is a remembered. I was standing at some deep neon purple counter. A guy that looked kinda like Doc from Back To The Future was handing out green circler stickers that had all these questions on them with stares names being the answers. Under each name was a number. Apparently who you chose have you get a certain amount of points. But the point were not 4 or 5 like in most tests. It was more like 301, or 256. At the side you put the point value so you could add it up at the end. ONLY, that's not so. OH, and did I mention that this was test to see if you could join the NASA Space Program? 

To add the score you had to press on some plastic rectangles on the back. The Plastic would expand and then some clouds would appear in the little rectangular compartments before clearing JUST enough for you to see coded answers like A2, CB or 2B. I was supposed to wait until Doc was there to help me score the test, but I pressed the plastic and scored it anyway. But because Doc was not right there next to me my answers were only unclouded for a second. 

"Um...little help?" I asked. He stopped helping another girl and took the test from me. "Oh, you scored it already!" I know there is more to this dream, but I don't recall.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pillows, Fake Money, and Kindergarden

Ok, this was an odd dream. I mean, I KNOW MOST of my dreams are odd, but...just read on. Ok, so I was in my childhood room. The one with yellow floral wallpaper. The head of the bed was pushed up to the widow which was at the opposite end of the room and doorway. The bed was queen sized and had many pillows on it, including my current foam one. 

My roommate came in and screamed "What did you DO to the bathroom!!! There are socks everywhere!!! Thats it!!! I'm messing with your pillows!!!" She starts angrily pulling them off the bed and throwing them around. 

"Wait!! I scream, hands out in defense, "Don't hurt the foam one!" She then stops flinging pillows and waves a ten dollar bill in front of me. 

"Do you want it?" she asks, evil smile on her face, " you?" I was shocked that she'd give me ten bucks so I take it. The tender was really small, and had bright green ink. In the middle with white ink it read, "Loser!!!" I pulled the fake tender at it sides and realized that it folded out sideways a little more. Where a president's picture should be was one of a woman, or someone and under it were the words "This is supposed to shock people." Then my roommate asks, "Want a car? You can have a car!" 

"Um...I have to get used to driving again first!" I reply.

"What about a baby!!! Are you going to have a baby!" Suddenly I see that we're not in my childhood room anymore. Instead we're in some play room with cubbies full of toys and small table in the center. The walls were brown, but kindergarden-like. My fiance comes in and joins in on Maura's pranks on me, though I can remember what he did. All I DO remember is me getting so annoyed that I rush out of the room to go back to my mine. Robert catches me in the hallway before I do and tries to apologias. He pulls my arm to stop me. The hallway we're in is not like the one in my first house (more circle-like then linear, and carpeted). It's the one in my high school dorm, pink walls lined with doors and VARY linear. There is one sign that Robert wants me to see. It read "Dis beautiful women Beatrice." About here is were I woke up.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I had a dream that I was on Spring Garden and some kid asked me for change. I don't know why, but he would not leave me alone until I fallowed him. We came to some dirt path with a box oranges. It was dusk. 

"Now are you gonna buy something or do I have to make ya?" he asked forcefully. I looked it my wallet and found a dollar, handed it over, and got a what I thought was an orange. Turned out to be a grape fruit. 

Then the scene changed. I was in some run down trailer deep in the woods. Some stereotypical white trash couple where there arguing over something. Then cookies. It was heavily complicated but soon everything became a little clear. There was a lack of Oreos and the only cookies in the pantry was chocolate chip. The wife of the group didn't like it, and for reasons I can't figure out, through away The Bible in trash can outside her front door. She made a BIG show of it, leaving all the next door neighbors to gasp in surprise. There might have been more to this, but I am not sure.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Battery Bullets and 40's Soup

Dream Time: A LOT was going on, but THIS is what I can remember. I was standing in a room. The walls were pink and the decor was old style french, I think. Robotnik was standing there behind a desk and wearing some metal casing that was flesh-pink colored. I took out a gun and shot him, SEVERAL times. But he would not die. Robotnik would instead slowly walk out of the room, and then back in. 

I took note of bullets and realized that no only were they look like Rite Aid batteries, but I only had four per round. I switched guns to hold 8, and somehow realized through the switch that this was a game. 

What was odd was WHEN the bullets went INTO Robotnik, the smooth-flat ends would be exposed. Like there were pre-drilled holes they were supposed to into. I also could not see his face at all. I might have won (meaning kill him once) and tried to play again. When I did, however, I noticed two things: 1) My father was eating clear soup from rusty cans from the 40s with trees for labels. 2) In round 2, Robotnik had a gun as well to shoot ME with. I dashed out the room, peered my head in, and then went to my dad. His table was in this mini hallway attached to the room. The hallway was about as long as the table and Dad. I went up to dad and he explained that because these rusty cans had been sealed since the 40s, all they left in them was a clear salty liquid. I did not join him. 

I walked out to the front to a meadow. I noticed my hair was clean and washed. There might have been more to this, but I can't recall.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Robert Downey Jr.

I had a dream last night that had Robert Downey, Jr. See, I was in Luigi's Fresca, a pizza place in Philly. I was asked to write a blog for the website. But NOT about Pizza. About Movies and TV. I had to pick a sitcom that really shaped the 50s. I was set to do it when I started watching a pizza movie. I paused it when the owner of the shop, some skinny guy with a sweaty upper lip, showed me his HUGE office upstairs. I saw it, and he said, "Ok, so...write."

"But I have to write about a sitcom that shaped the 50s, or something."

"Ok, you can write anything!!!" I went downstairs and instead of writing, I finished the rest of the pizza movie. The owner caught me and told me try writing anywhere in the pizza place. Just pick a spot and go. Then, when that didn't work, the guy said to work from home. Robert Downey, JR showed up and said, "You're just giving her this job because you feel sorry for her."

I walked on, suddenly inside a large room with a grand carpet on the floor. It was red with a gold double-helix pattern. Out of nowhere, I bump into Downey again, this time spilling whatever I had in my hands. 

"Oh, so you're listing to records. Gee, that's interesting. Who listens to records anymore...who...Oh Yea. HIPSTERS!" He did that blinking thing he does when yelled the last word. I picked up what I dropped and saw my copy of "On The Threshold Of a Dream" About then I woke up.