Monday, August 13, 2012

Pink Floyd and Steve Brady

I had another dream, but it has too many elements. I know it had something to do with the Sex and the City cast. But the man who was in Miranda's life was a cross between one of my uncles, and her ex Steve Brady. I saw her and the girls at the coffee shop talking, but instead of putting their purses on the table, they put them in the Fiestaware colored cabinets on a floor-ceiling beam next to them. Suddenly, I was not watching them anymore. I was at a summer fare with Miranda's new man!

"I made you a Christmas present," He told me while we sat in folding chairs under a tent, "but I can't say what it us. Only that it is a Donic painted dresser." I smiled, realizing he gave away what it was. A Sonic the hedgehog themed dresser. Then, this uncle inspired-Steve guy went up stage to do magic to Pink Floyd music. I saw his purple suit he wore, but never his face. Once he was done he came down and asked me what kind of drink I'd like on the way to where we'd be spending Christmas this year.

"You're going to need something to pre-game with before you get there!"
"Oh," I said, "Usually I like Hot Toddies and Apple Cider with bourbon." He said what he and his kids would drink as we walked to this stone made food stand. Above where they hand out the food was a sign that read-in gold lettering with vibrant red background-"Miriam is not allowed here!" I thought about it a moment and said "Miriam? Oh man, I'm thinking about too much Hey Arnold again!"

Before I knew I was in someone's apartment that many white walls and carpet covered stares. They wanted me to photoshop their dog.

"I can't do that!" I thought to myself, "The picture they want me to use HAS no dog it. Just lines!" my fiance looked at me and asked, "How many lines?"


"I'll do it then." I smiled and hugged him, happy he would help. But oddly, we were not in the persons white-washed apartment anymore. We were sitting on my fathers red, yellow, and green pattered couch. About then I woke up.

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