Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pillows and Former Houses

This dream was an odd one. I was with my college friends eating a whole bunch of sugary cereal in a dark basement with little light. The cereal looked, and tasted like, sugar cookies with sprinkles on top. I got the box out of some brown cabinet with light brown carvings on the door and Lazy Susans for shelves.  

We ate, and started to play a game. Part of this game was to lie in some grove in the cement basement ground and pretend something was happening. The happening I chose was going into labor. Out of nowhere I stand up and say "Ya know, I have a really good pillow back at home. Let me get it."

Suddenly, I was home and I could not tell you how I got there. When I looked around my home it felt like my father's former blue Victorian house, yet I KNEW it was my father's current green two-family- plus-border house. But the odd thing was, it didn't really look like either of them on the inside. It was HUGE, about the size of a grand hotel. There were great wood cravings on the walls and gold patterns on the marble floors. It was so ritzy it made it made the set of Titanic look shabby! I tell you, to totally detail the wondrous architecture would take me DAYS! 

I started looking for my room but could not recall which wing it was in. I found the basement, which has all this light wood furniture in it with bright lighting that made it look like the basement of blue house. Only, I did not see the classic wood paneling or the camouflage rug Mother bought to hide spills. It also had more rooms with the same bright light coming in from windows and more of that light brown furniture. I soon found my way out and toured the wings again. The carpet was a medium green that looked kind of fuzzy. I remember seeing some odd name painted on a door that gave me a clue to my room number. I can't recall how, but I found my room soon enough. There was yellow everywhere via bright sun coming through windows and my old bookcase. The book case a basic brown wood with a half-circle trimming on the top shelf. I found the mushy-light green pillow I came for and left with it. 

Did I mention there were Bell Boys in white spats? They were pulling luggage carts ALL the while I searched for my room.

Well, pillow in hand I stuffed it under my shirt and found my college friends again at a near by jungle gym. Behind me was a train stop that was covered. I can't say for sure, but I must have used the train to get to them. 

"Oh, there you are? Why did you stuff your shirt with your pillow?" They asked.
"I hear it's some kind of new way to find fun." One said. And that was when I woke up. 

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