Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WOW, what a dream!!! My father had bought a new house in south Jersey. It was HUGE, but vary nice. It was the kind of house you'd see in "Leave It To Beaver" wonderful shutters, two grand stories Anyway...

Dad and I were out back talking about how great the lawn was. 

"It's so HUGE! And, get this! NO ONE ELSE can use it but YOU! That's gotta be nice Dad!"

"Hey, you're right!!!" Dad exclaims. Next thing I know a friend I have not seen since middle school asks me to see her.

"Just drive on by and we'll walk the old rout!!!"

"Dad just moved, can't do that. But I can still come by." So we made a plan. I didn't tell my dad the exact plan because I knew he'd forbid me to go, so I just said I was going to said friend without saying what we'd do.

BUT! I never make it there. I paused by some lake, or something, and next thing I know some really tanned naked guy with orange hair, an orange handle bar mustache, and a red beret (That sported some military symbol I couldn't make out) jumps in my car and tells me to drive. I do, amazed that I can drive smoothly. He points a gun at me and I'm mad I can't defend myself. I KNOW that I'd use my anger to hurt the guy, yet I can't. So we drive on. Suddenly, he asks me to stop the car. 

We get out by another lake. There a red brick wall that makes up the entrance of the lake. There are fall leaves all around it, a damp rainy day. At first he leaves me with nothing, but then he changes his mind and leaves me with my nearly dead cell, and bike. He keeps my purple Duluth Bag with all my money and various cards in it. At this point I am SO DONE with the dream that I try wake myself up. I know I'm sort of up, but not all the way.

You know that feeling? When you can sense your limps starting to wake up but the rest of you is still out cold? I felt that. Obviously I got up shortly after.

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