Friday, September 21, 2012

Dead Dream5

Wow, what an odd dream. OK, I know ALL my dreams are odd, but trust me..ODD DREAM. I was in my bed trying sleep and I couldn't. No matter what I did, I was wide awake. I look up see fireworks reflected in the white blades of the ceiling fan. I sit up and look at them out my back window. 

What was odd was that instead of there being three windows, there were two sliding glass doors and a porch. Several people where out there watching the fireworks. I stayed in bed and watched. Then, out of nowhere Deadmau5 came in! He was not wearing his famous Mau5head. It was just plain old Joel Zimmerman. He walked to my bed, hugged me (which was really creepy considering how I sleep) and then proceeded to lick the left side of my face. 

"Ok," I thought to myself, "I can do this! I can kick him down before he rapes me!" And then I woke up. REALLY confused. It felt SO real. It felt so lucid, and creepy. Boy, was it creepy!!! Everything was normal (for me at least) in the dream until Joel showed up and then it was like...a nightmare. And I have no idea why. If I met Deadmau5 is real like I'd be happy!!! A total Fan-girl. But my dreams Deamau5 has to be a total creep and lick me. Why does my subconscious hate me?

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