Sunday, September 23, 2012

I dream it so you don't have to!!

This dream was sad. Really sad. In this dream things jumbled around and around. Lucy Camdon from 7th Heaven was running away from her husband. People tried to chase her through a garden filled with fountains. It was SO sunny!!! I never saw Lucy, I just chased her path. What was odd was that while running through the garden, the plot of the dream shifted. 

I was still running to catch her. But in my pursuit I learned that Doug Walker died. I was suddenly crippled with overwhelming sadness. I was crying so much my eyes HURT. Finally my I saw in the dream caught up with my emotions. I was no longer in a garden. I was in a mansion standing next to Drew Barrymore who was leaning on a dresser. 

"I'm going to be a non-speaking extra in this one, OK?" She says nonchalantly. I turn my head to see my friend (also named Dough) was getting ready in front of a bright mirror with long bulbs of light in either side. 

The next thing I remember is being in a huge room of the mansion. I was with all of the FDU friends (Also known as The Crazy Crew) and I was STILL crying. 

"I could handle him quitting his show," I sobbed, "But NOT THIS!!!" I broke down again while a Crew member came by to console me. 

"And now Fletchy is dead too!" I sobbed. I remember the floor of room was made of stone. Large gray slabs of blobbed shaped stone. By a wall a line of stones rose up above the rest and I sat them on them, still crying. I can tell I dreamt more, but I can't recall what.

Oddest thing is, I have NO IDEA who fletchy is. Or was, according to my dream. Where do I get this stuff?

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