Friday, October 19, 2012

Pillows, Fake Money, and Kindergarden

Ok, this was an odd dream. I mean, I KNOW MOST of my dreams are odd, but...just read on. Ok, so I was in my childhood room. The one with yellow floral wallpaper. The head of the bed was pushed up to the widow which was at the opposite end of the room and doorway. The bed was queen sized and had many pillows on it, including my current foam one. 

My roommate came in and screamed "What did you DO to the bathroom!!! There are socks everywhere!!! Thats it!!! I'm messing with your pillows!!!" She starts angrily pulling them off the bed and throwing them around. 

"Wait!! I scream, hands out in defense, "Don't hurt the foam one!" She then stops flinging pillows and waves a ten dollar bill in front of me. 

"Do you want it?" she asks, evil smile on her face, " you?" I was shocked that she'd give me ten bucks so I take it. The tender was really small, and had bright green ink. In the middle with white ink it read, "Loser!!!" I pulled the fake tender at it sides and realized that it folded out sideways a little more. Where a president's picture should be was one of a woman, or someone and under it were the words "This is supposed to shock people." Then my roommate asks, "Want a car? You can have a car!" 

"Um...I have to get used to driving again first!" I reply.

"What about a baby!!! Are you going to have a baby!" Suddenly I see that we're not in my childhood room anymore. Instead we're in some play room with cubbies full of toys and small table in the center. The walls were brown, but kindergarden-like. My fiance comes in and joins in on Maura's pranks on me, though I can remember what he did. All I DO remember is me getting so annoyed that I rush out of the room to go back to my mine. Robert catches me in the hallway before I do and tries to apologias. He pulls my arm to stop me. The hallway we're in is not like the one in my first house (more circle-like then linear, and carpeted). It's the one in my high school dorm, pink walls lined with doors and VARY linear. There is one sign that Robert wants me to see. It read "Dis beautiful women Beatrice." About here is were I woke up.

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