Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Battery Bullets and 40's Soup

Dream Time: A LOT was going on, but THIS is what I can remember. I was standing in a room. The walls were pink and the decor was old style french, I think. Robotnik was standing there behind a desk and wearing some metal casing that was flesh-pink colored. I took out a gun and shot him, SEVERAL times. But he would not die. Robotnik would instead slowly walk out of the room, and then back in. 

I took note of bullets and realized that no only were they look like Rite Aid batteries, but I only had four per round. I switched guns to hold 8, and somehow realized through the switch that this was a game. 

What was odd was WHEN the bullets went INTO Robotnik, the smooth-flat ends would be exposed. Like there were pre-drilled holes they were supposed to into. I also could not see his face at all. I might have won (meaning kill him once) and tried to play again. When I did, however, I noticed two things: 1) My father was eating clear soup from rusty cans from the 40s with trees for labels. 2) In round 2, Robotnik had a gun as well to shoot ME with. I dashed out the room, peered my head in, and then went to my dad. His table was in this mini hallway attached to the room. The hallway was about as long as the table and Dad. I went up to dad and he explained that because these rusty cans had been sealed since the 40s, all they left in them was a clear salty liquid. I did not join him. 

I walked out to the front to a meadow. I noticed my hair was clean and washed. There might have been more to this, but I can't recall.

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